Reviews & Ratings for
Suicide Squad (2016)

Flawed, Cliched, but Enjoyable.
This movie has SUPER low ratings on Rotten tomatoes and the reviews make this sound the WORST comic book movie EVER made!
This movie follows a bunch of super villains who are press ganged into working for US Government and work as its on the ground assets.
After Superman is gone, they don’t have a first responder team and they decide to use these expendable criminals for the job.

I have NO idea why this movie is facing such a huge critical backlash. Articles calling it the worst movie ever made etc etc is just over the top and meaningless.
It would be safe to say, the critics got it wrong this time.

The positives in the movie are Will Smith as Deadshot and Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. They both absolutely shine in this movie.
Surprising, when it comes to performances, Jai Courtney as Captain boomerang was pretty good! This guy is usually REALLY bad in movies such as Terminator Genysis but somehow he was pretty good in this movie.
other actors do a decent enough job, but nothing worth a mention.
The score / music track is a mixed bag with a lot of 90’s hits being played at random times.

Now we come to negatives. It might seem like I am listing a LOT of them, but seeing the movie, somehow it not all that glaring.

1. Joker. This Joker s just PLAIN bad. Like a 0/10. Seen better performances in a C Grade film. This is hands down the worst joker EVER committed to film, this included the 1966 version. The first scene with him and Harley in a strip joint is just cringe worthy and it doesn’t look like the director actually made that scene, it seems like a bad add on. His Ha ha ha ha was SO bad, I wanted to shut my ears and shout at him to shut the HELL up. Which moron came up with this joker ?

2. The editing. What wrong with WB movies? Same as batman V superman, the editing in this ALL over the place. But thankfully unlike BvS, this movie isn’t complex and nuanced and hence the bad editing doesn’t hurt it so badly. For example, there is a night scene, then suddenly without any kind of transition, it’s a day scene. It jarring and surprising to see such a bad edit in a big studio movie.

3. The Villain. Hands down the WORST villain ever done in a big budget movie including the fart cloud in Green Lantern. The villain (Spoilers- Minor) is Enchantress and even tho is 100% smoking HOT, she can’t act at all. She is literally dancing in one major villainous scene. I don’t mean this figuratively, she is grooving like Micheal Jackson in BAD. WHO THE FUCK came up with that shit ?
What was his villainous plan ? GOD knows, it was stupid and badly done.

4. The direction. WB movies are all suffering from this. This is just badly directed or maybe just cut bad in the edit. The movie is good only coz the performances are VERY strong. But they didn’t get the feel of a city in danger or people dying, evacuation, nothing was done right. Wish it had more time to setup the city and what was at stake.

Despite all this, the movie is not bad or unwatchable. It’s a simple plot with not many twists and its easy to keep up despite the disjointed edits and bad direction.

Overall its worth a watch for comic book fans IF you are not expecting a master piece.

Rating : 5.5/10 . Definitely NOT as bad as the critics are saying, its watchable and at times fun!

P.S: This motherfucking CENSOR board needs to DIE. Those assholes won’t even let normal vocabulary pass through such as ASS or PUSSY. Why the fuck not? Its pissing me off that they think they need to save our entire country from foreign swear words…
"literally dancing" i think you are talking about the scene in later half when she is doing some spell thing and doing booty dance along with it. That was funny.
Rohon Nag
yes! I mean why is she jiving, grooving or whatever ? her movements needed to be speeded up and the frames skipped, then it would look like some kind of strange movement. it just ended up looking funny... and moronic!
Is it great? No. Is it as horrible as the reviews indicate? No.
An entertaining first half followed by a disappointingly lackluster final act does weigh down the film.
Will Smith gives a great performance as probably the only likeable character in the film and Margot Robbie is almost perfect as Harley Quinn.
Jared Leto wasn't there enough to have a proper opinion about his performance. I'll wait for the Ultimate Edition to decide.
Choppy writing, inane dialogue and mediocre action sequences have messed up what could've been DC'S answer to Guardians of the Galaxy.
Easily David Ayer's weakest film.
But it does have its moments. The critics need to stop the comparisons with Marvel because everything from the tone to the content is different.
Worth a one time watch.
Don't let bad reviews stop you from enjoying it.
This movie shares its cliche and flaws just like every other superhero movie but do they stopped me from enjoying it - No. Is it RT 26% bad - Hell no.
I enjoyed the movie and the first half was kickass. Perhaps due to high expectations or saturation of superhero genre, it is getting so much hate from critics.
One time watch
Joker : awesome
Harley : killed it

Rest of the crew : doesn't matter.
Storyline : crap
Suicide Squad is Really good movie to watch...
I really liked the concept of teaming up a group of villains for doing something good ...the story was really good and the character that I liked most is Harleen queen and Deadshot.
This has been such a disappointing summer for movies. I'm not the only one to say so, but add my voice to the chorus. Too many sequels for the sake of sequels and the big money of international audiences. Meeting release dates just because a franchise movie has to be in that slot. Blech. I had high hopes for Suicide Squad. It looked irreverent and cool like Deadpool. I'm not a comics reader so I have no idea what is canon or what the original origin stories are for these characters. A team of bad guys turned into heroes? Guardians of the Galaxy, anyone? After all the missteps with all these enormous ensemble character movies, I have gained new depths of respect for Joss Whedon, James Gunn and J. J. Abrams. It is damn hard to introduce us to a bunch of characters, give us their background, create chemistry between them all, and insert some witty cool banter. Damn hard. And if you try too hard to look cool and sound cool, you end up with something like Suicide Squad. This movie is a mess. It needed some more script polishing or something. It's just meh. It's not the worst movie I'veever seen, but it's not good either. Read the rest of my review here:
I #expectedmore. Maybe it's because I watched it at home, but I barely saw anything during #action scenes. It could have been worse, so.
I don't know which was worse: this, or the drunk chick blabbing at and trying to flirt with me throughout the final fight scene.
Anonymous User rated Suicide Squad
wtf was this piece of trash? Why was Joker even there? What for