Suicide Squad Review

Abdul Ahad Naushad
  • 2.5/5

Is it great? No. Is it as horrible as the reviews indicate? No.

An entertaining first half followed by a disappointingly lackluster final act does weigh down the film.

Will Smith gives a great performance as probably the only likeable character in the film and Margot Robbie is almost perfect as Harley Quinn.

Jared Leto wasn't there enough to have a proper opinion about his performance. I'll wait for the Ultimate Edition to decide.

Choppy writing, inane dialogue and mediocre action sequences have messed up what could've been DC'S answer to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Easily David Ayer's weakest film.

But it does have its moments. The critics need to stop the comparisons with Marvel because everything from the tone to the content is different.

Worth a one time watch.
