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Breaking Bad (2008)

Bad was so good!
I think this Tv-series is one of the best because not only it made me respect to my chemistry professor but also made me feel that we don't choose the thing we enjoy the most in our life. This show encompasses a story where a chemistry teacher along with his student make meth. This idea itself is so funny? But it is lot of more than that. Walter white - the main protagonist suffers from cancer. Thus, his story begins of being the drug lord. Aaron Paul aka. Jesse Pinkman, this character was supposed to be only for season one only. Once you start watching this show, you'll be glad that he made it through the whole show. The numerous music tracks used in the show is refreshing and well picked. Good improvisation regarding the theme track and many hidden stories behind some scenes. Well written and more than that excellent direction. This show is must - watch! P.S - By the way, Bryan Cranston is in this show. I convinced many people to watch this show by this itself. But there is more to him in this show! Better call Saul? One of the spinoff of this show.
As Addicting as meth
Breaking Bad. It all started with a necessity. This show is a classic in TV industry which stood out from the rest. Breaking Bad is about a father Walter White who is an high school chemistry teacher and his desperate need to save money for his family after his death because of him suffering from cancer. He thereby starts to use his chemistry knowledge along with his past student Jessy Pinkman to cook meth in the city and the drama begins as he produces the best meth and gets the attention of Giants. What happens after that is the ultimate deal in breaking bad.
The series makes you catch right to it from the Season 1 and it probably has the best ending to a TV show ever. From frame 1, Vince Gilligan proved he got skills and knows what he is doing. The way the drama is portrayed and the way the action takes place is just outstanding. It has all the mixtures of emotions such as love, empathy, guilt, lust etc. What stood out this TV show from others was the characterization of its leads and its villain. Any TV buff you ask will name Walter white aka Heisenberg as one of the Best Leads in the entire industry. No wonder he deserved the Emmy Awards.
The Best part about its characterization is the development of the characters and how we feed different about them in different parts of the series. With a little twist here and there and few groundbreaking dramas just added as a cherry in the cake.
This award-winning series will probably be the best you’ve ever seen in your whole life. It's worth the hype. Just relax, grab a popcorn and move forward. Its just as addicting as the meth it produces.
This tv series has run down over all the kinds its genre. As the story of how a chemistry teacher who on knowing about his cancer prepared the purest form of a drug to pay his disease bills but later on his priorities changed. This story is all about man's greed as said in the story of 'My Woods'. Jessi is a character who is very dumb as he put himself in so many trouble for which they have to devise a solution to it. This series is very catchy and will force you into and into it. The start is somehow boring but later on, it makes it curious and will stick you up until the end. it's #mustWatch for all.
If you want to see how can a common man breaks bad from an innocent man to a #badass drug dealer murdering people for his own good, this one is a #mustWatch. It is #thoughtProvoking and makes you wonder and question your own self. How far can a man go to save his family and provide them even after he's gone?
Din't know what was the difference between cations and anions till my high school. someone referred me this series and believe me, now i know how to melt a dead body after killing it without leaving any evidence, lol. This man Walter White is so good in chemistry that he becomes the master of underworld by using chemistry and makes a lot of money with the help of jeese. They become the most lovable criminals of my life. I can die watching this series because I am so in love with the concept and story and acting of course.