Breaking Bad Review

Sai Prasath KJ
  • 5/5
As Addicting as meth

Breaking Bad. It all started with a necessity. This show is a classic in TV industry which stood out from the rest. Breaking Bad is about a father Walter White who is an high school chemistry teacher and his desperate need to save money for his family after his death because of him suffering from cancer. He thereby starts to use his chemistry knowledge along with his past student Jessy Pinkman to cook meth in the city and the drama begins as he produces the best meth and gets the attention of Giants. What happens after that is the ultimate deal in breaking bad.

The series makes you catch right to it from the Season 1 and it probably has the best ending to a TV show ever. From frame 1, Vince Gilligan proved he got skills and knows what he is doing. The way the drama is portrayed and the way the action takes place is just outstanding. It has all the mixtures of emotions such as love, empathy, guilt, lust etc. What stood out this TV show from others was the characterization of its leads and its villain. Any TV buff you ask will name Walter white aka Heisenberg as one of the Best Leads in the entire industry. No wonder he deserved the Emmy Awards.

The Best part about its characterization is the development of the characters and how we feed different about them in different parts of the series. With a little twist here and there and few groundbreaking dramas just added as a cherry in the cake.

This award-winning series will probably be the best you’ve ever seen in your whole life. It's worth the hype. Just relax, grab a popcorn and move forward. Its just as addicting as the meth it produces.
