• Air date: 01 Sep '78 85 episodes
      Battle of the Planets cast five young people as G-Force, consisting of Mark, Jason, Princess, Keyop, and Tiny. G-Force protects Earth from planet Spectra and other attacks from beyond space. The most prominent field commander of the Spectra forces was a villainous, masked individual known as Zoltar, who received his orders directly from the "Luminous One". Battle of the Planets is an American adaptation of the Japanese anime series Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.
  • List of Episodes (85)
    • 51. Giant Space Bat

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra shoots down a pilot who observes the testing of their latest weapon, a Bat mech with a Force Ray. Mark finds the pilot, but the he is unable to tell what he saw.
    • 52. Attack of the Alien Wasp

      23 Sep '03
      Mark while flying his jet encounters Colonel Chronos, who was believed to be dead, and follows him back to his secret base, where he gives Mark documents revealing the location of Spectra's Earth headquarters.
    • 53. Decoys of Doom

      23 Sep '03
      Humanoid decoys of the G-Force team are created to be used as bait in a trap for Spectra. The "real" Mark swaps places with his decoy and is captured by Spectra. Mark must signal the team and lead G-Force to the Spectra base.
    • 54. Zoltar Strikes Out

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra creates a huge bomb, hidden somewhere in the city. Chief Anderson's suspicions lead him to send G-Force undercover to the baseball stadium.
    • 55. The Great Brain Robbery

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra attacks the Artificial Brain Center on Earth and steals a top-secret "Brain of Evil". The Team tracks down the stolen brain, only to be attacked by the Brain Mecha and then Spectra Pirates! G-Force returns with a piece of the Mecha to Center Neptune, and then attends the Annual Robot Show the next day, just in time to watch Spectra steal the new "Fembot" to use as a body for the Brain of Evil. Mark sneaks into the Spectra base while the rest of the team goes after the Brain Mecha.
    • 56. Raid of the Space Octopus

      23 Sep '03
      Zoltar attacks Earth's power plants with a tentacled mech, but when G-Force attacks, the Phoenix experiences malfunctions.
    • 57. Silent City

      23 Sep '03
      This episode takes place on planet Exor. One of their island cities is surrounded by an impenetrable wall of radiation created by a Spectra bombing attack. Chief Anderson believes the city is a Spectra base and sends G-Force to check it out. The team goes into the city, but they are only able to withstand the radiation for one hour. They are attacked by a Spectra Mecha once they are inside the city. Can G-Force escape the Mecha and solve Spectra's latest plot before their time runs out?
    • 58. Peril of the Pyramids

      23 Sep '03
      An Egyptian temple disappears from Earth. 7-Zark-7 finds the temple has reappeared on Alpha 3 and sends G-Force there undercover to investigate. While there, a woman mistakes Keyop as her missing son, Ali.
    • 59. Rage of the Robotoids

      23 Sep '03
      Jason rescues a girl in a cab who is attacked by strange robotic manniquins. Upset that Mark doesn't trust the girl, Jason goes to talk with her, only to find Mark may be right. As a series of attacks terrorize the city, G-Force split up and head into the city to try and track down the attackers and stop them. Matters are made worse as one by one, the members of G-Force start disappearing...
    • 60. The Alien Bigfoot

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra is using Bigfoot to keep people from getting too close to their latest base in Tibet. They are working on the "Inter-Frequency Disruptor", which affects ships guidance systems, causing them to crash. Keyop takes off for Tibet on his own and is captured by Spectra. He must lead G-Force to the Spectra base and escape before it's destroyed by G-Force. Zoltar is unmasked in this episode!
    • 61. Invasion of the Locust

      23 Sep '03
      In Spectra's latest attack, they send locusts to devour Earth's food supplies. Professor Chambers contacts G-Force and they send Keyop back with him to South America. They are attacked by the locusts and forced to crash land in the Amazon. G-Force must rescue them and stop the Giant Locust from destroying the Earth.
    • 62. Space Safari

      23 Sep '03
      G-Force shoots down Zoltar. He escapes his ship and the team chases him through the forests of Planet Lukadia. Zoltar has the entire forest rigged with traps.
    • 63. Museum of Mystery

      23 Sep '03
      Princess has lost her shoe and cannot transmute. Upset and at a loss on how she can now be a part of the team, or any help at all, she enters a contest to be a spokesperson for a major company, and inadvertantly is captured by Spectra.
    • 64. Peril of the Praying Mantis

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra launches it's latest attack, but when the team is called together Tiny cannot be reached so the team has to attempt to fend off the attack without him.
    • 65. The Awesome Ray Force

      23 Sep '03
      Galactor develops a ray that causes the members of G-Force to revert to their civilian clothing.
    • 66. The Duplicate King

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra targets one of the richest countries on Earth, the small country of Beldania. G-Force is dispacted out to talk and protect the monarch, but right from the start things seem wrong. Sneaking into the palace at night, to avoid detection, they find the palace bobby-trapped and full of dangers. When they finally find the monarch, they find an imposter in his place.
    • 67. Defector of Spectra

      23 Sep '03
      Greg, working within the central security agency, seems to be turning traitor for Spectra. Meanwhile, Zark has slipped his fozdic, and cannot perform his duties.
    • 68. Panic of the Peacock

      23 Sep '03
      A giant mechanical peacock constructed by Spectra invades Earth, while Mark is kidnapped and his memory surpressed!
    • 69. Mission to Inner Space

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra attacks a mining operation and an explosive mining bit is separated from it's base machine and continues to bore into the earth. G-Force must stop it before it hits magma, causing a devastating earthquake.
    • 70. Spectra Space Spider

      23 Sep '03
      Stellar City is suffering a terrible drought, so sends supplies to the city by cargo planes. But the is airlifted supply convoy is attacked by a weapon created by Dr. Streker, who was fired from Center Neptune.
    • 71. Super Space Spies

      23 Sep '03
      G-Force travels to a distant planet called Paradise Island, where Spectra has set up a a base from which it is attacking and pollution the water reservoirs of Earth.
    • 72. Cupid Does it to Keyop

      23 Sep '03
      Keyop stumbles upon a kidnapped girl, and takes it upon himself to rescue her.
    • 73. Tentacles from Space

      23 Sep '03
      G-Force investigates Professor Stark who may have given his soil protein formula to a Spectra agent.
    • 74. Island of Fear

      23 Sep '03
      Keyop investigates Witch's Island, which he suspects to be a Spectra base.
    • 75. The Awesome Armadillo

      23 Sep '03
      Colonel Two takes over command of Spectra from Zoltar and launches an attack on Earth.