• Air date: 01 Sep '78 85 episodes
      Battle of the Planets cast five young people as G-Force, consisting of Mark, Jason, Princess, Keyop, and Tiny. G-Force protects Earth from planet Spectra and other attacks from beyond space. The most prominent field commander of the Spectra forces was a villainous, masked individual known as Zoltar, who received his orders directly from the "Luminous One". Battle of the Planets is an American adaptation of the Japanese anime series Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.
  • List of Episodes (85)
    • 26. The Galaxy Girls

      23 Sep '03
      G-Force is headed for their mountain retreat headquarters for a few days. Jason is driving Chief Anderson when they are attacked by a strange car and a woman wearing a mask. Only Jason's skill and a hidden capability of the car they are riding in save their lives. Zoltar's sister Mala is put in charge of sabotaging the Solar Express, the first monorail to circle the globe. Mala pretends to be with Public Relations as Marla Latras, in order to ride on board with Chief Anderson, who is accompanied
    • 27. Curse of the Cuttlefish, Part I

      23 Sep '03
      Zoltar attacks Arcturus, where the Conway Tapes have been transferred. G-Force is ordered to go to the planet incognito.
    • 28. Curse of the Cuttlefish, Part II

      23 Sep '03
      Zoltar proclaims the planet to be under the rule of Spectra, but G-Force are unable to counter attack, as they fear that Princess and Keyop are in the line of fire.
    • 29. Demons of the Desert

      23 Sep '03
      G-Force flies to Abura, to help their friend the sheik Tabul, whose uncle seized control of the country during his absence.
    • 30. Siege of the Squids

      23 Sep '03
      A cargo ship is destroyed, but the only witnesses, fisherman and his sons, are reluctant to tell G-Force what they know.
    • 31. Orion, Wonderdog of Space

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra causes a worldwide drought on Earth. Orion, goes out on a dangerous mission with Dr. Backster, who has created a way to melt water from part of the polar caps to relieve the drought. When Dr. Backster discovers a secret Spectra base and is captured, he sends Orion to alert G-Force.
    • 32. The Fierce Flowers, Part I

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra releases spores on Earth that turn into man-eating flowers.
    • 33. The Fierce Flowers, Part II

      23 Sep '03
      G-Forced attempted burning the flowers, but it only resulted in the flowers releasing more spores. Princess who was captured by a flower is still missing her fate is unknown.
    • 34. The Space Rock Concert

      23 Sep '03
      The Team is relaxing at a Dirty Name 5 concert when Spectra appears! The entire band is kidnapped and forced to play. Their music is used as a sound weapon, literally shaking apart whatever it is directed at. The G-Force team have to rescue the band and stop Zoltar from succeeding in his plan.
    • 35. Prisoners in Space

      23 Sep '03
      Tiny's van breaks down and he is picked up by a Prison van on its way to Barracuda Island, a maximum securty prison. Spectra's gains control of the prison and Zoltar has promises freedom to the prisoners if they will join Spectra. The G-Force team must rescue Tiny and keep the prisoners from escaping.
    • 36. Victims of the Hawk

      23 Sep '03
      A young, married couple stayed behind to help defend a base from an attack by Spectra. Both survived and were brought back to Earth as heroes. Zoltar wants to eliminate them (both are eyewitnesses to the Spectran attack) and both have parents that are highly placed in the government. He orders them kidnapped and brought to Spectra. It's up to G-Force to rescue the two from Zoltar.
    • 37. Raid on Riga

      23 Sep '03
      Riga is attacked by Spectra and Chief Anderson is not sure how to defend against Spectra's new weapon, making the team wait. G-Force grows impatient and rushes off to Riga without any planning or orders. They are badly defeated and have to be rescued by Colonel Cronos. The Team is sent back to Earth, where it becomes apparent that Mark has lost his confidence. Cronos tests Mark's confidence by challenging his nerve while flying. Mark fails, but a little later, while talking with others, he comes
    • 38. Seals of Sytron

      23 Sep '03
      Galactor attacks Sytron, the only mining and storage facility of Galactite Hydronium for the entire earth. Galactite Hydronium is the fuel that powers Earth's spacecrafts and holds her forcefields together. G-Force must defend the island and rescue the workers.
    • 39. Giant Gila Monster

      23 Sep '03
      Zeno, the Zenobian has escaped from the protective custody. Mark goes undercover to try to find him.
    • 40. The Capture of the Galaxy Code

      23 Sep '03
      G-Force has ensure delivery of the central mechanism of the dynastrol computer. No one besides the president of the intergalactic federation is cleared to carry it.
    • 41. Raid on a Nearby Planet

      23 Sep '03
      Planet Vega is attacked by Spectra's Space Ray Machine and most of their vital installations are destroyed. G-Force is sent to Vega to track down the Ray Machine and follow it back to the base. They must infiltrate and destroy the base and the Space Ray Machine to keep Spectra from capturing Vega!
    • 42. Keyop Does it All

      23 Sep '03
      While G-Force is working as the special guard at the building where the Intergalactic Federation is meeting, Keyop discovers a car with a Spectra insignia and stows away in its trunk.
    • 43. Peaks of Plan Odin

      23 Sep '03
      7-Zark-7 has a hunch that Spectra is about to unleash a scheme on Planet Odin and sends G-Force there. The chief of that planet turns out to be intent on capturing Colonel Chronos and working with Zoltar who will give him a great new weapon.
    • 44. The Sky is Falling, Part I

      23 Sep '03
      Tom, Mark's old friend from the academy, tells him that he has seen Mark's father on Odin, and Mark goes to Riga without telling Chief Anderson. Meanwhile the rest of G-Force is sent to Odin to try and stop the X-3, a doomsday weapon created by Spectra.
    • 45. The Sky is Falling, Part II

      23 Sep '03
      With Mark still missing and the X-3 doomsday missile already have been launched and detonated, the only chance to save the Earth is if G-Force can launch Spectra's other X-3 missile to counteract the effects of the first missile.
    • 46. Raid on the Red Scorpion

      23 Sep '03
      The Luminous One commands Zoltar to destroy Earth's entire energy capability. Zoltar uses a 'scorpion' mech to go on a rampage, starting by destroying Earth's most important research facility.
    • 47. Mammoth Shark Menace

      23 Sep '03
      Zoltar releases a poisonous pollutant into the ocean which is killing all the fish in the ocean. G-Force has to stop the him before the Earth's entire ecosystem is destroyed.
    • 48. Fastest Gun in the Galaxy

      23 Sep '03
      Spectra agents bring a man who was released from 30 years in prison back to planet Spectra. The ex-prisoner was an expert marksman and Zoltar wants him to operate Spectra's newest weapon, a vehicle mounted gun. G-Force goes to Spectra to investigate.
    • 49. Giant from Planet Zyr

      23 Sep '03
      A team of scientists on Earth develop the Jet Cutter, a new laser to powerful enough to cut through a new indestructible metal that Spectra has developed. But Spectra uses a giant humanoid mech to steal the Jet Cutter. G-Force travels to Zyr to try and find the giant and recover the laser.
    • 50. Secret Island

      23 Sep '03
      There have been many planes and ships disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle. Mark and Princess are sent to Shipwreck Island in the Triangle to investigate. They discover a Spectra base and their latest weapon, the Whirly Knife. Mark summons the team, but can they stop the latest Mech from Spectra ?