A light-hearted, cliche-filled memento of the college experience
The series follows Richa (Ahsaas Channa), a run-of-the-mill shy girl who’s ready to break out into the world, taking her roommate Milli (Simran Natekar), and unwelcome friend Jo (Srishti Shrivastava) for the ride. It follows their adventures as they tackle serious problems, like identifying the bra-thief in their hostel. The show does a good job of being light-hearted but not baseless. While a lot of the problems are made-up, and the show throws in fake misogyny to incite humor, it lets some real conditions slip in, like the double-standards around there being a curfew for girls, but not for boys.
The show also does such a good job at recreating college life that cliches like the social... |