• Air date: 18 May '89 40 episodes
      The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming...
  • List of Episodes (40)
    • 1. The Climber

      A bloke and his girlfriend turn up in town to see David - they are old friends. David and the bloke go climbing, his girlfriend isn't feeling well and stays at the hotel. The girlfriend seems to be getting worse and when Nancy sees her she calls Tom. It turns out to be a very bad case of food poisoning. During the climb the bloke starts feeling ill and can't carry on, he waits on ledge half way up and David goes for help. The food poisoning was from some caviar and champagne they had both had.
    • 2. Dead Reckoning

      When charter pilot Doug Holland flies into Coopers Crossing to refuel his aircraft, a nightmare begins for Geoff, Kate and the other doctors.
    • 3. A Bride to Be

      Typical Aussie outback man Whistler, who loves Alice but has avoided marriage for 20 years, discovers that the time has come to make a decision. In order to raise some extra money so that he will be able to support her, he attempts cattle rustling—but collapses in the process.
    • 4. A Place for the Night

      A young girl blames herself for her sister's drowning and loses the will to walk. While taking her to Broken Hill for tests, the plane makes a forced landing, and Geoff and Kate decide to stay the night in an eerie homestead occupied by two strange sisters.
    • 5. End of the Rainbow

      Nick goes to an opal-miner called Jackson with a generator. Jackson attacks Nick but then get trouble breathing. He goes to hospital with his daughter while Nick stays to guard the mine. A thief comes at night and manages to get some opals with him. When Jacksom comes to the mine the following day he gets sick again and David take some tests of the mine. Jackson thinks his former partner, Palmer, stole the opals and goes over to his mine. David goes after him and finds them fighting in the mine.
    • 6. Doube Vision

      Tom is treating a girl named Kim, she's burnt her hands. She falls in love with Tom and follows him everywhere which is a bit embarresing. She follows him to the airport and climbs into the cargospace in front of the plane when they go on a clinicround. They find her there after a while and she has to stay with them over night. The following day she finds out her mother will come. She is very upset and runs away. Tom finds her on top of a windmill and manages, though difficulties, get her down.
    • 7. The Boy in the Boot

      A father, Rex, and his son Tim is heading toward Coopers Crossing whne Tim gets in the boot of the car. They have a caraccident, but is saved in the last minute before the truck burns into a wreck. Tim will be fine, but Geoff finds out Rex's got a heart disease. It isn't curable and Rex wants to spend time with his son. They leave for a farm the following morning. Tim's mother, Jess, turns up in town and claims Rex has kidnapped Tim, she wants him back! At the farm Rex and Tim finds out the pers
    • 8. Windows of the Soul

      David is getting a man to hospital who hurt his head. David finds out he's been in Vietnam but he doesn't want to talk about it. But he does have a heart condition and needs a by pass operation in Sydeny. He refuses to go though, he reckons he's got nothing to live for. He runs away from the hospital but then his daughter from Vietnam shows up. Apparantly he had no knowledge of her. She and David go looking for her father and finally they manage to locate him. After lots of dramas the man ends u
    • 9. Rest in Peace

      Nick and Annie find a car in a dried creek with two bodies inside. They are believed to be Bob and Rachel Jordan, who mysteriously disappeared years earlier. Tom is suspicious and finally they find out the man in the car wasn't Bob. It turned out Rachel had had an affair - Bob was ill and spent most of his time in bed. Their son found out and told Bob, who was very upset. Rachel and her ""boyfriend"" took off, but apparently they didn't get any further than the creek. Shortly afterwords Bob died
    • 10. Life Line

      Chris undergoes an emotional crisis after receiving some devastating news about her father.
    • 11. Fly Like a Bird

      19 Jul '90
      The new pilot, Johnno Johnosn, arrives. An old man named Les thinks he's got asbestosis from mine-jobs. He's convinced he'll die and wants compensation money from the mining company. He's gonna give the money to a boy named Matt, who wants to be a pilot. Les finds out he's not gonna die after all, and when Matt finds out he steels Johnno's plane. Johnno manages to talk him down though.
    • 12. A Day to Remember

      During a clinicround there are reports of small fires, which eventually turns out to be one huge fire! Geoff goes out there, but burns his hands and is replaced by David. He attends a family where the woman is seriously ill. They manage to get her to hospital, but she needs major surgery in Sydney. There's no time to fly her there, and Geoff can't operate, so David has to do it! The operation is a success!
    • 13. A Place to Call Home

      Nick is out fixing a wind mill, when a woman named Kerry comes, her car broke down. She's pregnant and starts having contractions. Nick helps with the delivery, she gets a baby girl. Something is not right with Kerry though, and it turns out she stole the car and a lot of money from her boss. He comes to Coopers Crossing and says if he gets his stuff back he won't press charges.
    • 14. Divided Loyalties

      A pilot-friend of Johnno's, Keith Lorrigan, has a plane crash and dies. His wife Vikki finds some heart pills, and Johnno doesn't want anybody to know, they'd only think it was Keith's fault. Johnno tries to work out what happened and discovers Keith thought he was flying barrels of destilled water, when in fact it was sulphuric acid in them. The barrels leeked and caused the crash.
    • 15. A Rular Education

      David and Annie go to a remote part of town to do check ups on pupils at the school. One of the boys keeps acting strangly and has bad headaches and his hands keep shaking, his sister is having headaches aswell. The other kids tease him and think he is mad. David tries talking to his father but gets no joy from him, so he goes to see the boy's grandfather. He has got the shakes aswell and says it's miners shake, David finds out from him that stuff from the mines has been leaking into a stream, b
    • 16. The Ties That Bind

      The team is presented with a major problem by a couple and their disabled child.
    • 17. Brother's Keeper

      Through helping an alcoholic friend, Tom finds himself trapped in a mine and at the mercy of a murderer.
    • 18. Wilderness

      A man burns down his house and heads into the outback, taking his daughters with him.
    • 19. Valentine's Day

      David falls in love with a British woman, she is flying around the world on her own, she is only in town for a few days while her plane is being fixed. But, then David finds out she is very ill and has hodgekins disease. She wants to travel and sees as much of the world as she can before she dies. David asks her to marry him, but she turns him down because of the travelling.
    • 20. A Little Tenderness

      Tom talks to a woman who needs to have her utures removed. The woman lives under horrible cirumstances, he husband is really mean. One day her husband gets badly hurt, and Tom and Johnno flies out there. There's a storm coming in, so they can't fly the hurt man to hospital. Tom has to operate, assisted by Johnno and the wife. The operation is a sucess and finally the couple manages to sort things out.
    • 21. Poet's Corner

      An alcoholic poet with writer's block arrives in Cooper's Crossing and causes trouble by his decision to turn to plagiarism.
    • 22. The Family Farm

      A tense situation develops at Cooper's Creek when a distraught man, burdened by his failure to provide for his family, takes two hostages—one of whom is Geoff.
    • 23. A Place Where You Belong

      A young German doctor visiting Australia drops in at Cooper's Crossing and is soon needed to help in an emergency.
    • 24. Break Away

      A young mother tries to escape the clutches of her manic depressive boyfriend by running away to Cooper's Crossing. But will she be safe there?
    • 25. Billie and Pete

      Geoff encounters two people from his past—ex-jazz singer Billie Sorenson and her one-time pianist Pete.