Everytime another Transformers releases, it loses its essence of storytelling. I actually appreciate Michael Bay's decision of opting out of making the sequel to this film. The film is altogether all the bad reviews you can think about screenplay and direction.

Acting: Mark Wahlberg shared the whole two and a half hour of screen time but his character did only one thing during the whole film.Isabela Moner did nothing in the whole film except showing his tomboy attitude. Laura Haddock is one rank up than Isabela in the cast of doing nothing she actually was descendent of magician Merlin.

Cinematography: I guess it was improved a little as compared to previous installments.
Direction: Michael Bay has lost it with Transformers.

Final Verdict: If you do not have expectations from the film, you may be able to enjoy it.
no one can beat this film in cgi.
This Last Knight Stands ALONE...
Transformers: The Last Knight : Movie Review

I was really hesitant to see this film. So hesitant infact that although the previews started on Wednesday, I hesitated to see this till Sunday.
The previous one was a total snooze fest and I rated it four out of ten.
So with zero expectations I went into this film and maybe due to those less expectations, this film actually entertained me. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great film by any stretch of the imagination. BUT, this film does a better job as a sequel to the franchise than the previous entry for sure.
The good parts are the action is very different from previous parts, bay as a director has put in EVERYTHING he knows from his ‘The Rock’ to ‘Armageddon’ he has used every single movie making trick he knows into this film.
Despite some lame acting, useless characters, long exposition scenes, this film fares in the lore and mythology much better than previous parts and for the fans of the franchise it has a lot of Easter eggs.
This movie in a way bring the whole franchise together and binds the story together.
The music is same as the previous parts, though there is a scene where they make fun of themselves for using overly dramatic movies.
This film has become very self-aware of what it is and this shows.

Overall if you like the transformers franchise, this is a must watch.
Rating : 6.5/10 . Enjoyable, especially the finale.

P.S: No clue why the critics hated this. Wasn’t as bad as part 2-3-4. Infact this is the best transformers film after the first one.

spoilers : Certain things were questionable at best in the film. why was there a 14 year old girl in the film? she didnt NOTHING plot wise. she was simply there to make the film relevant to kids. Also the token black dude was a terrible actor and I wish he had died!

This franchise makes to my guilty pleasure list and fun to watch on TV when i have nothing else. BTW do watch Baby Driver.
Rohon Nag
I saw it and reviewed it also, amazing movie baby driver!
Each time a new movie in this franchise is made, it is made the franchise look worse. It used to be on my guilty pleasure list but its just out from that one too.
Please make no more
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I agree
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Please stop making more of these.