The Social Network
Witty, smart, and entertaining, this was a great watch. The acting by a lot of the main cast is amazing, with Jesse Eisenberg and Andre Garfield as the to main charters, the writing of the film is great, the direction and cinematography is really good too. The only thing i didn't like is that sometimes it just dragged on a little bit. But other than that it was a good time.
If inspiration is what you seek.
Saying so wouldn't be an understatement. That's the level of impact it has. So, how was it founded?

Rather than saying it's a biopic of Mark Zuckerberg, it's accurate to say its the biopic of Facebook itself. It starts with Mark creating Facemash to piss off his ex and carries us through three different versions of what happened in this crossover from Facemash and Facebook.

Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher are the biggest stars of this film, period. Thanks to Columbia Pictures' faith in Fincher who was known for directing gritty action, this combination takes us on a roller coaster ride while inspiring us all the same. Aaron Sorkin, who also makes a little cameo in the film, takes his conversation-driven screenplay style to next level while Fincher ups his game to meet him. Their decision to show all the alleged three versions of events speaks volumes for their commitment. Combine this with the blending soundtrack, you have one of the best movies of all time which makes you take out your laptop and start building your own empire.

Jesse Eisenberg is adorable as the quirky nerd Mark Zuckerberg, with an unbelievable dream. He is perfectly complemented by Andrew Garfield who plays Eduardo Saverin, taking their chemistry to new heights. Justin Timberlake steals the show as the spoiled brat Sean Parker. Armie Hammer and Max Minghella also perform as required. I am a bit surprised by how many overlook Rooney Mara's performance though. In spite of having limited screentime, she manages to leave a mark.

Bottomline, it's Sorkin's child all the way. If you are looking for inspirational movies, you are at the right place.

Wicked smart
The social network is about the birth of Facebook,the leading networking man-eater to which most of us have fallen prey.David Fincher has directed this biography of Mark Zuckerberg,the founder of Facebook without hiding the ugly truth behind the rise of the website.Initially named "the Facebook" by the advice of Sean Parker,founder of Napster, Mark(Jesse Eisenberg) builds the site from the corridors of his dorm in Harvard. The plot circulates around the lawsuit on Mark in the name of theft of intellectual property filed by the Winklevoss brothers and builds up to Mark's wounded relationship with his then best friend and co-founder of Facebook ,Eduardo Saverin.

The Social Network won the Best Motion Picture
So good
Social Network is a movie based on the foundation of Social Networking giant Facebook. Based on the life of Mark Zuckerberg, Social Network is very a true story.
Movie made in bits and pieces. How Mark, the damn coder, the man with immense ability and a great vision and yes in quotes ' A Harvard Dropout'. He learns human nature, he learns business and finally becames a millionaire in his 20s.
The story of FB starts with Mark's being dumped by a girl(Erica) that too on the very first day of his first date of the college. So too take revenge he decides to make a website where he can make fun of her by making his website popular. Luckily, it gets famous and the girl Erica gets famous too. The Harvard Connection helps him making his website famous. His friends helps him to popularize it. Then the Mark decides to drop the college. He meets various business experts for help and finally gets one. This help proves to be very important. Facebook shifts its office to silicon valley and the present status of the company is before your eyes.
There's nothing in the movie not be praised of. Acting part was great. Dialogues great. Screenplay : 5 star. But for me it was a bit slow but interesting. Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg was all great. Andrew Garfield also did a very impressive job.
"The Social Network" is a great film not because of its dazzling style or visual cleverness, but because it is splendidly well-made. Despite the baffling complications of computer programming, web strategy and big finance, Aaron Sorkin's screenplay makes it all clear, and we don't follow the story so much as get dragged along behind it. I saw it with an audience that seemed wrapped up in an unusual way: It was very, very interested.
I'll give it a 4.
I liked the movie... but it took me to end up a 2hrs movie in 3hrs, because I felt unable to go along with the story without any subtitle.
Movie is chatterbox.. but i don't know why it won oscar for so many categories when they are so much more deserving than this .
A must watch non fiction movie. Truly loved the concept and the story. Direction as well as cast is awesome.
Acting was nice and so do the cocept....thanx for telling us how facebook born....!!!!
its a mst watch if u wanna knw abt d man behind Facebook...