Reviews & Ratings for
Ghoul (2018)

Roshan Mhatre reviewed Ghoul
The Antihindu soul scavengers?
Netflix attempted to dig deeper into the roots of the Indian Market using the hype that was created for this miniseries.
After the trailer was dropped, the hype was crazy but as soon as the episodes came, that hype jumped from the top and died.
Since it was a miniseries, the number of episodes were only three; but it failed to build the character that was supposed to be.

The term “Horror Series” creates a image in our mind that it has to be thrilling and must give chills while watching; but when we try to pack so much of something in such a small time, we end up confusing the viewers.

The mood director wanted to create could have been done in a much deeper suspense.
The role of “Faulad Singh” was not much necessary, they could have been have improved there.

But the cinematography, CGI, a feel of isolation and the location were fantastic if not best.

The Storyline is appreciable but didn’t push the limits.
Climax which is very important in any series or movie is bit confusing but becomes clear after few minutes.

Overall to say, its good for a mini webseries.
Rhea Prasad reviewed Ghoul
In a totalitarian near-future India, a mysterious prisoner is sent to a remote military interrogation center where he turns the tables on his captors by exposing their most shameful secrets and unleashing a demon from Arabic folklore.
Ankit Minz reviewed Ghoul
Ghoul a Netflix original Indian web series released in 2018. It is a horror series based on the Arab folklore monster Ghoul. I expected a lot from the series as it is a Radhika Apte starrer, but it failed to fulfill my expectations. The series is set in a near future India, a mysterious prisoner Ali Saeed is sent to a secret government facility which leads to a series of supernatural event. Performance wise the series is good as the actors did a great job but story wise I didn’t find it much entertaining. It is suitable for adults but not for light-hearted people. It is streaming on Netflix.
Dobi reviewed Ghoul
For a genre that's flooded with cheap theatrical innuendoes and riddled with the cliche scary stuff, Ghoul does provide a refreshing perspective. Apte's performance is great and rescues the otherwise less explored, untethered fresh horizons of creative content. If you seek to watch it thinking it might be spooky as hell, don't. Though the plot does move furtively with its eerie undertones, it fails to exact much terror from the viewers. But watch it for your enthusiasm mustn't be drowned with cynicism of a review. After all, it has only 3 episodes :)
Dustbin reviewed Ghoul
The title of the show is in reference to a devil-like figure that can be called upon by trading one’s soul. Ghoul reminds one of their deadliest sins and makes them face their guilt and the end is never pleasant. Ghoul is set during an Orwellian time. The Indian society has changed drastically and the line between loving one’s country and following the government’s order has disappear.Student leaders, opposition leaders or anyone who questions rules are taken in until they start nodding their head in agreement with the establishment. If they don’t agree, they don’t survive.Amid all of this, we meet our central character Nida Rahim (Radhika Apte) who desperately seeks social approval. She considers her religion a crutch and to prove her loyalty for her country, she won’t hesitate in geting her father arrested.Nida is posted at Meghdoot 31, the covert detention center where the story of Ghoul plays out. The detention center has a mysterious energy, the kind that makes the hair at the back of your neck stand up. This is where the drama gets spooky. Nida’s colleagues are used to nightmares.
Ghoul is a horror drama but the show tackles social change vis a vis religion in an effective and dramatic way. We see Apte’s Nida being discriminated against right from the start but the drama highlights the issue even more when Manav Kaul’s Dacunha, a Christian character, is sidelined by his Hindu subordinates. The religious complexity might get misunderstood by those who can’t read the subtext of the narrative, but writer and director Patrick Graham tries to effectively communicate the sensitive subject.
Overall, Ghoul is an interesting watch. I wish there was more to it, but a short and crisp series is better than a dragged on show.
Ghoul is an Indian web series by Netflix. It takes place in a dystopian future where autocracy has takn hold of India. The paranormal genre has not been explored much in India making Ghoul feel like a breath of fresh air and whatever has been done has been underwhelming and unoriginal. One complaint that you won't have with Ghoul is the jump scares. Jump scares feel like a cheap attempt to induce horror thus cheating the audience of a true experience. But one complaint you will have will be the backgrounds of characters not coming to fruition, something you can relate with every GoT fan. Ghoul is an honest attempt which is reflected by the casts terrific performance and engaging three episodes.
Sohini Das reviewed Ghoul
Yet another gem starring Radhika Apte. One of the must watch mini-series of Netflix revolving around paranormal creatures. While, it might not be the best in the genre of Horror, it is a good attempt and start from the Indian context. While the series has a weaker storyline, considering only three episodes, it is a nice attempt to start with from Indian filmmakers. Radhika Apte and Manav Kaul's acting were, as usual, top notch. Overall, the series could have been a bit better.

Nithya Menon reviewed Ghoul
The Netflix series – Ghoul directed by Patrick Graham starring Radhika Apte, who is the one of the most demanded Actress of the decade. This series does justice to the horror genre even with a clichéd storyline.
Set in a time where fascism was souring and a “dystopian” government, the backdrop of the series was dark and sent chills right through the spine through its sets and the background score. Radhika Apte perfectly squeezed into her character who was brainwashed, strong yet terrified of the surroundings she was being exposed to.
With all the actors doing justice to their roles, this series did a very well job in at least creeping its audience. The idea of ghoul (A ghost from an Arabian Folklore) inhibiting bodies, was very well thought and the execution of the idea exceeded our expectations.

Parv Kaur reviewed Ghoul
Okay so I watched this series like 2 times and trust me both times my #jumpScare were real. Its a #paraNormal #mustWatch for all the horror fans out there. As I am a Horror movie lover I had a peculiar interest in this series and that's why I was really eager for it because I never thought that a #bollywood web series could scare me this much, but yeah it really did. In the lead we see the Netflix favourite girl Radhika Apte. The story of the #demon begins with the links to Radhika's father and ends on taking Radhika with her. Though the end is tragic you can really feel those goosebumps on your arms and believe me you too would be super excited and desperate for the Season 2.
A marvelous premise let down due to a narrow narrative and cliched horror tropes.
Ghoul is set in an unspecified dystopian future where sectarian violence is at its peak. Terrorism is spreading within the nation and the government takes strong measures to curb it immediately. Mysterious detention centres are set across the country where suspected people are interrogated and ‘cleansed’ of their anti-nationalistic behaviour.
The story begins with Nida Rahim who is recruited in a detention centre because of a ‘sacrifice’ she made for the nation. The centre soon gets a new prisoner called Ali Sayyed, a top-level terrorist with a dark secret within him, which leads to a supernatural turn of events in the facility.
The series has a terrific premise but the director skims through all of the rich possibilities and chooses to focus on the people-trapped-with-a-ghost trope. With such great actors on board, we expect some depth for the characters but here they are largely one dimensional with no likability factor. Considering the long format of storytelling, the director chose we don’t get much to bite into. Though judging on the technical front, the cinematography and sound design are perfect and add to the creepy mood of the series.
Being a supernatural-horror thriller, the series fails to evoke any kind of fear.
Better characters and a well fleshed out story would have made Ghoul a more satisfying watch!
Fully packed with suspences and crucial elements of a horror thriller. It is female oriented and along with that characters are not represented with their complete depth. Short but thrilling throughout. Leading role is a bold different thinking persona. It has presented several myths and background stories.
Cinematography and acting is great. The plot and story line could have been better.