Don't listen to critics
It is a darker, better written and more complex Avengers movie. The plot was way more deeper than I imagined. Cavill's performance as Superman was pretty much the same as his performance in Man of Steel and I mean that as compliment. Ben Affleck is without a doubt the best and most accurate Batman we've seen to date. Batman is incredible in fights. The way Snyder records him in action, you can actually see him fighting unlike in the trilogy, which is a treat to watch on big screen. I used to think the best versions of Luthor was from the Smallville TV show but Jesse brings something totally new to the character. For all those who complained about Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot being in the movie would be in for a surprise as both nailed their roles. The other member intro were great and will have you all pumped for the Justice League. Finally,this movie is made for the DC fans and not meant for Academy Awards so get over it ..!!
If you want to see a great superhero movie, then this is the movie for you to see in IMAX 3D for sure.
Serious bombastic and slow
Movie Review :

The ultimate gladiatorial match, night meets day, man meets gods and then tires to kill him.

This is the premise of the 2016’s DC tent-pole Batman V superman Dawn of Justice.

Right off the bat, Let me tell you, I disliked man of steel. I rated it 6/10 and despite its good intentions that movie made no sense logically or otherwise. The same issues plague this movie as well, character decisions make no sense, things happen for no reason, too many dream sequences and the main plot is NOT batman Vs superman, that is just the distraction. The entire movie does not come together well in the end.

Having said all that, did I HATE this film ? Not really, I liked it, it’s not too shabby, plus the acting by Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill is really good. They really make Batman and superman come to life. Lot of the frames are very graphic novel-ish and the look and tone is exceptional.

But the entire first half dragged out a LOT and the ending wasn’t totally satisfying.

This movie would have been 3 times better if the Trailer 2 had not spoilt the entire movie for us.

BUT definitely worth a watch.

Rating : 6.5/10

Verdict : DC fans need to see this. I wasn’t disappointed, but I am looking forward to Civil War.
never liked tailors, they either spoil the movie for you or are escalated too much from full length movies. :)
Rohon Nag
Well, being a film journalist (sort of), I cant stay away from trailers especially the first 1 or 2. but I ignore the late release trailers coming 1-2 weeks befre the movie coz no one reports on them anyway !
It is an exceptional talent to take 2 most iconic superheroes and make an #average #slugfest.
The film suffers from an identity crisis of whether it is a sequel to Man of Steel or a prequel to JLA. #dissapointing #daft #boring #predictable .
Piyush Arya
Have to wait till Monday to watch it :(
via fb
Despite its plot holes and some lack-of-motivation-characters I enjoyed the movie. The background score was great.
On a separate note is it just me or Jesse Eisenberg was irritating?
Piyush Arya
Ahh remember those facebook trolls.
same here..but I was too embarrassed to admit that Lex reminded of Srk...btw can u share those fb trolls?
As the name suggests, this movie could be the start of Justice League series.
No Spoilers!
Go and watch it... don't be get fooled by metacritic.
''People Hate what they don't understand'' - Martha Kent
*rubs his hands together*

This is gonna be goooooooooood.