The web series revolves around Nikhat and Ray, two millennials who live together in Mumbai. They are typical young girls who love partying and hate their jobs. Nikhat is girly, affectionate and is very neurotic. Ray is a total tomboy, hates being hugged and is very carefree. These polar opposites fit like a puzzle. They have to deal with over enthusiastic landlords, mean neighbours and budget crunches.
A Buyont Show With The Hashtag Good Vibes
Adulting works in ways it wants to work- a jaunty, lively web series meant to give all the cute aesthetic vibes from it's two vibrantly distinct characters, Ray & Nikhat. It does well for being a feelgood watch for young millennials, but those looking more authenticity might be dissapointed.
Ray & Nikhat, two wildly different people that seem to have nothing in like are housemates in the dreamcity of Mumbai, struggling to to be functional adults. You will think they will not get along at all, but its the so bad it's actually good thing. Ray is an architect, Nikhat a coder. Both are women trying to keep up with the pace of today's trends, be it on social media or be it tryna keep their lives cool by maintaining their super fine house with stuff no broke two people in the city of Mumbai will be able to afford. In its five episode seasons, Adulting explores a bunch of themes which somewhat seems like an anthology but still does well in keeping a steady, continous flow. Yashashwini Dayama and Aisha Ahmed flaunt their onscreen chemistry and do the best they can do with their characters. While Dayama's Ray is quirky, funny, Ahmed's Nikhat is the somewhat shy, insecure girl in the city we all were once.
While the first season explores the dynamics between the two best friends, the second season takes a longer into the real world by touching on small yet big quotidian topics. Though it struggles to feel 'real' and 'relatable', it does makes you think differently about some themes we usually miss upon. The second season is definitely more recommended than the first one, with its diverse storylines that lace into a pretty good plot. What's not pretty is the cast inconsistencies- Nikhat's season one co-workers are nowhere to be seen, and Viraj Ghelani who had played a minor character in the season one finale plays a completely different side character in the second season. Rohan Khurrana does a fabulous job in second season and completely shines in his episode.
Though fresh, Adulting fails to surprise you much. Slightly predictable, you will finish the show feeling not much except a sudden burst of inspiration to redecorate your house or be nicer to your housemates.
Authentic and adorable
From a dear roomie's impromptu surprise party to paying bills and barely breaking even after an extravagant weekend, 'Adulting' is all about perks of growing up. Nikhat (Aisha Ahmed) and Ray (Yashaswini Dayama) are two roommates putting their best foot forward to make it in a big city, as they march straight through challenges of growing up and living far from home. Most of the themes are light-hearted and presented in a modern, cutesy fashion especially to draw in more new-age millennials, Instagramming their way through life.

Writing is vibrant with some witty remark every once in a while. Both Aisha Ahmed and Yashaswini Dayama do a convincing job of portraying amicable people of the kind that always have your back. Their relationship seems too good to be true at times, problems too menial and circumstances too favorable but that's what the show is about, fun and optimism. However, some harder questions come in the picture when an episode shot entirely in the back of a taxi uses roads, potholes and turns as analogies to life and success.

If a dash of positivity is all that you're looking for then 'Adulting' is the right place to find it.

Must watch!
If you have not watched Adulting till now, then my friend, you are undoubtedly missing out on a spectacular show created by Dice Media. I was a bit apprehensive about watching this show at first, but I am glad that I did. The show is a perfect mixture of laughs, contented sighs and relative yearns for its gripping plot. The cast did a phenomenal job as a whole and left you wanting more. I remember my disappointment when the series ended because I enjoyed watching this one a lot. The struggle of two girls leaving the comfort of their homes to become the masters of their own universe is real and quite aptly depicted. Go! Watch it now.
Ankit Minz reviewed Adulting
Adulting is a Dice Media’s Original web series released in 2018. It is a comedy series which focuses on the life of two best friend and flatmate mates Nikhat and Ray. It is a coming of age story in which these two girls are trying to cope up with their life as they are experiencing the life of an independent adult for the first time. The series is quite relatable for all the girls who have ever had a roommate or a flatmate. This series will keep you entertained and make you emotional, as the bond shared by them is beautifully portrayed. The actors did a great job with their roles, it just looks so natural. It is suitable for teens and adults. All the 5 episodes are available on YouTube.
Parv Kaur reviewed Adulting
This series produced under the banner of Dice Media van be regarded as #sweet and #entertaining at the same time. It potrays the life of 2 girls living with each other and their #bittersweet instances which mould their relationship and work life all throughout. It really gives you hint how adult life actually is i.e, handling work, love, life at the same time. Though it a short series with just 4 episodes yet Yashaswini Dayama and Aisha Ahmed gave an impactful performance and were able to impress the audience. They are natural actors and thus were successful in making us fall in love with them and whining for Season 2
Dobi reviewed Adulting
Two young girls struggle with their varied yet difficult (read usual) life experiences in the city of Mumbai. They, as obvious as the title can get, are struggling in becoming adults and coping with their lives as best as they can. The pressure to earn a good living, make your life 'worthwhile' is something that both of these harbour even though one is straight up crazier than the other one. Overall, quite an average series.
Adulting is another beautifully presented web series by Dice Media . This story talk about 2 girls , away from home , settling down in the new city , to fulfill there dreams. These 2 girls are flatmates and HEY GIRLS!!!! ,it is a shout out , If u want to relive your old hostel days or room sharing days do watch it and share it with your friends. It makes you nostalgic , if you are someone who has lived that life. It is a completely relatable stuff , dealing with month end salary crises, to weekend drink parties ,monday blues to the neighbour aunt who has all her eyes on you. Surviving from the monotony of life , girls are learning to cope up and managae to live a life by planning out on small things. This series is a big right swipe for all the young independent girls who have moved in with a girl partner. This series can be watched on youtube on the official channel of Dice Media and is youth centric.
Feel good
Adulting is an Indian comedy series by Dice Media. It follows the story of two roommates living in Mumbai and dealing with their daily lives. As the title suggests they try to do their best at being adults but often let their inner child take control. It is a really fun ride and keeps you hooked.The actors are very convincing and do not let you down. And at no point throughout the entirety of the show do you feel that the show is boring or being dragged. The writers have made daily situations of their lives enjoyable for us. Watch Adulting, it will not let you down.
Adulting by Dice Media weaves a story about two girls starring Aisha Ahmed and Yashaswani Dayama. The story outlines all the problems faced by millennial, from being broke to being drunk on weekdays, this series shows all the emotions and confusions faced by girls in their 20s. Apart from showing us instances which is relatable to more than half of the city-bred millennial, it makes us miss our college/school roommate, the relationship which exists between roommates and their constant petty fights and then the heartwarming make-ups.
The caramederie which existed between Aisha and Yahaswini can be considered important in their roles since this series revolved around them. Dice Media yet again delivers us with an overwhelming and relatable series.
A peep into the life of two friends cum roommates , and their struggle into becoming the 'adults' they have to become. It is a coming of age story of two girls in their 20s , working and making a living, and helping each other, being a next to kin. Its about friendship, trust and taking responsibilities. A great message portrayed through it.
Dustbin reviewed Adulting
Adulting is like a breath of fresh air that manages to diffuse the suffocating air of sex, crime and gore, permeating the web scene. It portrays the sweet world of two wet-behind-the-ears girls, Nikhat and Ray, who have just stepped out of their cocooned existence, to find their place under the sun in big, bad Mumbai. Nikhat and Ray are best friends, confidantes, and yes, flatmates in Mumbai.
Adulting is all about their attempts at transitioning into responsible, earning adults, away from the safe haven of home and parental support. Aisha Ahmed, is absolutely fabulous as Nikhat, rendering her role with an innocent charm, young-adult chutzpah and alluring vulnerability. Yashaswini Dayama, as Ray, simply steals our hearts away with her defining act. Cute as a button, she carries her emotions on her sleeve, as also her face, for all to see. Her singularly unique dialogue delivery, adorable performance, elfin charm– in fact everything about her– has us hooked. An impending visit by Nikhat’s mom leads to a cleaning spree, hiding of ashtrays and liquor bottles out of sight, and the like. Nosy neighbours, a boorish boss, even internet trolls– the bane of social media– all make interesting appearances in the series.
All five episodes are peppered with similarly glittering nuggets of astute profundity.
The series brims with profound moments, coaxing us to ponder on the vagaries of life
[Adulting ingratiates itself into our hearts and gets under our skin with consummate dexterity. In the Pinterest-pressured, Instagram-influenced world of today, Adulting is one web series that is guaranteed to bring a smile on your face, even when you are in the grouchiest of moods. It makes you feel all the feels and is an instant perk-me-up when you are down in the dumps. It warms the cockles of your heart, whatever cocklessupposedly are.
"Dude, we are so adulting right now." This is probably the most go-to and overused line I'll ever use in my entire life. Let's just take a moment and consider our roles as active and responsible citizens. Tons of bills to pay, making ends meet with the last withdrawn cheque, trying to cook anything other than maggi, trying not to pass out in a bar after gulping down three vodka shots,keeping the music low kyunki "aunty police bola legi" , laughing at unnecessary and unfunny jokes for an appraisal or a promotion and what not. These are the few cons of living the so-called liberated , out-of-our parent's home "ADULT" life. You must be wondering why do I bother to take a detour rather than writing a plain review and be done with my job. You see, without the detour I cannot even come close to explaining the plot, because the detour sort of "says it all". Adulting is a coming-of-age story of two adult roommates Nikhat and Ray, living in the urban Mumbai who happen to be "adulting" their way through life while navigating professional and personal relationships. The show makes you feel good and leaves you with a smile on your face. Their journey as "adults" has to stand the test of friendship, bonding, peer pressure , social pressure among others. The writing tries to keep pace with the current times but fails to convince the viewers of it's practicality. Yes, no doubt the issues are there, they try to address it but somehow you can feel something is missing and mind you it's not the actors brilliant performances but something else. I've always felt that the show somehow failed to address the rather deep-rooted and problematic areas of living on your own and fending for yourself. Nonetheless, it tries to portray the trials and tribulations of
an adult and does so in a half-convincing manner. But still the show manages to stay afloat and it doesn't deter from stretching your lips into a smile. Viewers who are into adult dramas or bittersweet navigation of relationships will probably like the show. You can easily watch it on youtube under the banner of Filtercopy.
A definite watch
Well, well, well - this is another gem that you would not want to miss out.
Nikhat and Ray are two people, in a new city, who accidentally come across each other, and the next thing you know, they are roommates. Opposites do attract and how!
These two young and talented actors are going to show you that no matter how tough it is "to adult", if you have your roommate by your side, there is nothing that will get you down. From on point dialogue delivery to realistic situations and even better acting, this series won't make you look away, even for a bit.
P.S: Watch it with your roomie for all the more fun! (You’d probably revisit a few fights too)

“Adulting” gives us a sneak peek into the lives of two independent, strong women who live in the same apartment. Both the girls tackle their personal and corporate issue and grow as an individual. The light-hearted series is a complete package of drama and comedy.
The series doesn't have any definitive storyline and this is one of the major drawbacks and a disappointment for the audience who look out for a decent plot. The series is apt for the crowd who love watching casual entertaining stuff. Overall this series is well suited for all type of audience, especially for young adults.
