Latest Reviews & Buzz for
Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Wreck it Ralph is one of those films that would perhaps have the first impression of a cute Pixar like movie, but later as you keep watching you realize that there is more to it than just adorable story telling. It is actually a benchmark in this genre which makes you feel as if the animation, in itself is evolving. In other words Wreck it Ralph smartly showcases a transition from over the years and does so in the same the vistas.
Now about the story line…Wreck it Ralph, as mostly put forward by most critics, like the gaming version of Toy story. The characters of the game have their own lives post gaming (where they are discriminated according to the game they are in, whether they are good, bad, heroic or villa Nish etc.) In an overview the characters are really cute… the primary reason why you might mistake this film as a Pixar. It’s pretty amazing how they capture every minute details of gaming within the same scene… freezing movements of lower bit games as compared to higher bit games, glitches in games as well as well as the actual reality of fps games. The storyline revolves around Ralph and Glitch both of whom are struggling to get some respect in the gaming society. The best part of the movie though is the ending which has a minor twist and is executed well bringing the story to a cheerful conclusion.
In my opinion: A Go! Go ! Go! For animation lovers
Bhokkali Moment : When Glitch starts using her glitches as a superpower
Emotional Moment: When Ralph trashes Glitches car…It nearly made me cry :P :D
incredible...glitch character is very cute...predictable ending but what else do you expect in animated movie..its always a happy ending..