It manages to impress (me, at least)
I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised with MTV. I didn't think they had it in them to pull off a massive show like this.

I read some of the Shannara books when I was in school and I was a huge fan of them until I started reading edgier fantasy like Tolkien's Lord of the rings, Silmarillion and George Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series.

Still, I was intrigued to discover that there was a new show based on the Shannara books in the works, and I got a chance to watch these episodes. Honestly, I don't remember many of the details from the books, but much of what I did see was pleasantly familiar, even if the way it is presented is different that what I used to imagine.

As some people have mentioned, there is definitely a strong "teen drama" feel at times, but there are enough "serious" moments to balance all of that out, especially once the awesome Manu Bennett graces the screen. And, after watching a bunch of shows like Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Vikings, etc. It's actually a mildly pleasant diversion that this show, in having the MTV "teen romance" feel sprinkled throughout, doesn't feel like every other gritty fantasy / historical show out there.

All of the actors seem to be of good quality, and the leads are likable enough (especially Miss Drayton). You also have veteran fantasy actors such as Manu Bennett and Jonathan Davis, both of whom were in the Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit series, to add some "fantasy credibility" to the show.

I can see where many people who are die-hard fans of the books would probably nitpick how some of the story elements are presented here, and I can definitely understand Game of Thrones alumni not appreciating the Twilight-esque moments, but in my opinion MTV has crafted one hell of a fantasy show that manages to hybridize two genres (fantasy and teen romance) in a way that doesn't feel cheap or gimicky, all in the trappings of a big-budget film franchise.

I am looking forward to more of it, and hopefully they will get a season 2 greenlighted, as well!
NYCC Official Trailer | The Shannara Chronicles: Now on Spike TV
Official Opening Title Sequence | The Shannara Chronicles: Now on Spike TV