Classic entertainer, staring Kevin Hart and Dyvane Rock Johnson. Has an action packed story with Kevin Hart lightening with humour.
First movie Zach and I saw together,
The Jungle Entertains
Jumanji – Welcome to the Jungle is a film directed by Jake Kasdan. I am not particularly a fan of the 1995 film but I would still say that I had a good time watching the film. The announcement of this film quite astonished me and the trailers for the film seemed OK. I was actually surprised as to how much I liked the film.

Plot: Spencer, Martha, Bethany and Anthony are all sucked into the video game Jumanji where their only way to survive is to finish the game.

Story and direction: Sony is mostly famous for taking something that is famous and turning it so commercial that the profit is earned but the quality is very bad. But this film understands that it has to deliver, quality wise. I wouldn’t say the story has groundbreaking elements or things that we haven’t seen before, but the film manages to entertain. I liked the way we have troubled characters that are sucked into one situation and their only way out is if they work with one another. Also very nicely incorporated is the video game aspect of Jumanji. WE have a life bar, character strengths and weaknesses, non player characters, exposition that helps us understand what the game is. This entire world of Jumanji seems very much believable (because of it being a video game world). The action sequences were good and nicely done. However, there were one or two places where horrible VFX (or green screen) has been used to execute the action sequences. The score by Henry Jackman also adapts to the situation and adds something refreshing to the film. My other problem with the film is that certain scenes are not explained very properly. They seemed to have just let that go for the sake of it.

Performances: Dwayne Johnson is good what he does. Kevin Hart did add his touch of comedy to the film. Karen Gillian’s character was different and I liked it. I didn’t understand the casting of Nick Jonas since he wasn’t acting at all. Jack Black was the surprise package. I know he is good, but in here he is the highlight of the film. Rhys Darby, Rohan Chand and Bobby Cannavale did provide good supporting roles. Even the teenagers in the real world delivered compelling performances.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Bethany (in Sheldon Oberon’s body) teaches Martha (in Ruby Roundhouse’s body) how to flirt with someone. I can seriously say that I laughed so hard in the scene because of its awkwardness and absurdity.

Verdict: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE is a good follow-up to the 1995 film. I was highly entertained by the film and had a very good time. I don’t know what the sequel in 2019 will consist of as no room was left for a third instalment.

I am going with an 8/10.