Latest Reviews & Buzz for
Hostages (2019)

Pinky Sand wants to see Hostages
The show delivers much less than it promises.
From performances and writing to setting a thriller mystery tone, nothing works as advertised. Even for an adaptation, there are glaring plotholes and an audacious attempt at presenting them without any modification. The opening scene alone is meek and powerless, fails to make the impact of a crime thriller.

The only saving grace is Tisca Chopra's performance and a convincing portrayal of a reputed doctor, Mira practicing at an upscale private hospital who goes through a series of emotions and revelations as the meteor named SP Prithvi Singh (Ronit Roy) hits her and her family demanding a botched operation of the CM. Ronit Roy isn't meant to play the bad guy, especially this bad guy with a nuanced personality and a multitude of dimensions. There is an attempt at making characters seem well developed but forced use of slang and hip curse words overshadows the weak plotline

You're better off watching an episode of crime patrol than dragging through this heap of mess.
Amazing storyline.
Adaptation of an Israeli series, Hotstar’s new series has an astounding yet extremely confusing storyline. The whole plot of the show has so many subplots that after a while, the viewer loses interest in keeping the track of it. Each character comes with their own baggage, their own skeletons in the closet. Once I started watching the show, I could not keep myself from clicking on ‘next episode’, the show being that intriguing. Though the ending disappointed me a tad bit, still I don’t regret watching the series. Ronit Roy and Tisca Chopra literally aced their role to the par.
Dobi reviewed Hostages
Revolving around the story of a surgeon, Dr. Mira, whose family is held hostage a night before she is to operate on the chief minister, 'Hostages' is a HotStar Original with an interesting yet unoriginal premise. What follows is an intriguing yet banal unboxing of the conspiracy at hand. Starring Tisca Chopra and Ronit Roy, the series stands strong because of their brilliant acting. Otherwise, with the plot being similarly central to a couple of TV series and even movies, including, an Israeli series by the same name, there wasn't much left to look forward to. But these two anchor the entire storyline and make it worth watching. Overall, a decent one-time watch.