Third Rocking Part
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a film directed by Alfosno Cuaron. I was curious before watching this film as many critics have noted this film a turning point in the series. After watching the film, I can say that this is by far my most favorite film of this series.

Plot: Harry Potter is warned about Sirius Black, a prisoner who just escaped Azkaban prison in order to kill him.

Story and direction: Taking the reins from one director to another is a very risky thing sicne you have to match the expectations of the audience as well as find a way to say your voice in the film. But this film has excelled in that department. Alfonso Cuaron is successful in providing a change of tone in the film. From scene one, you know the film is going to be different from the previous two. This is very clearly known from the lighting and camera work which is just awesome. The images of certain things like the tree or the flowers depict the kind of silence this film wants to convey. But the film doesn’t seem boring for even a single moment. It is never dull because it has the series comedy that defines it. The comedy is very subtle and that says how good a director Alfonso is. Also we get to some new characters in this film, which are very interesting. I especially liked the bond formed between Lupin and Potter. He was just like a mentor to him helping him out in various odd situations. The music is also great and I can just go on about it. The VFX has improved from the previous two and even today it is very much relevant. The VFX feels real and just immerses you into the fictional world that is created. And for the first time, the Quiddicth scene was just to look out for. It was gorgeous. Also to be noted is some of the animal designs in the film. They are so life-like. You feel scared by some of them and also you feel that you want to own some of them. I liked the fact that the film is shorter than the previous two since it was a good move and a long film I guess wouldn’t have worked. Steve Kloves deserves a pat on the back for adapting another chapter of Harry Potter successfully.

Performances: The regular cast does their job just perfectly and also adapt to the new settings. Michael Gambon is great as the new Dumbledore. Never for a moment do you miss Richard Harris. This character also has a change of characterization from the previous two which I very much liked. David Thewlis is also great in donning the role of Remus Lupin. He is the new character that I liked the most. And finally, Gary Oldman: He is just awesome. Although his scenes are lesser than the rest, but he just leaves an impact on the mind.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where the kids go to Hogsmeade and Hermione and Ron see some building. Then Malfoy and gang come and begin to tease them. After that, Harry with the help of his invisible cloak scares Malfoy and gang away. After all, who doesn’t want to see Malfoy beat up!!

Verdict: This film is by far the best of Harry Potter. The film did everything for me that I wanted to see in this series. And also, it makes me anxious as I can’t wait to see what else it has got to offer. This goes on to prove that when you tap on to the right content and know what your audience wants, I think you can make sequels even more successful than the originals (story wise). Sequels are never cursed. It is just that the makers should know how to handle the characters and give them the respect that they deserve.

I am going with a perfect 10/10.