Victor Frankenstein (Leonard Whiting) is a newly trained doctor, engaged to Elizabeth Fanshawe (Nicola Pagett). After Victor's younger brother, William, dies in a boating accident, Victor renounces God and declares his ideal of being able to restore his brother to life. Victor leaves the Fanshawe estate for further medical training. Studying in London, he meets the charismatic Henry Clerval (David McCallum), who has discovered how to restore dead matter to life. Clerval reveals his ultimate plan: to create a new race of perfect beings from the remains of the dead. Clerval persuades Victor to help him achieve his aim. They set to work on creating a perfect human, but Clerval dies of a heart attack before the experiment is completed. Victor chooses to honour Clerval by continuing their work and giving their creation Clerval's brain.

Frankenstein The True Story - Extended Trailer                                                              