On his second visit to the Dominican Republic, John Wilson, a land developer for a foreign company planning to build a hotel, leases a tropical island from the government, which - unbeknownst to him - carries a voodoo curse. He plans to go there to conduct a survey of the land. At night, he has sex in his hotel room with two prostitutes, whom he ends up scaring away by mentioning the name Cat Island. In the hall, he meets Fiona, a socialite who - as she tells him - has just left her elderly lover and his yacht. He performs cunnilingus on her.

Sea captain Larry O’Hara spends the same night on his skipper, having sex with Liz, the owner of the local nightclub. Just as they are about to leave, Liz spots a zombie walking in the shallow water of the port, his hand outstretched towards them. O’Hara kills him with a grappling iron. Later in the morgue, the doctor examines the maggot-ridden corpse, which suddenly grabs him, kills him with a gory bite in the neck, and walks away.

The next day, Wilson hires O’Hara to take him and Fiona for the trip to the island. O’Hara tells him about the legend surrounding the island, about zombies led by a cat. At night, in Liz’s empty nightclub, Liz gets on stage and dances for O’Hara, uncorking a bottle of champagne with her vagina. Wilson, in his room with Fiona, suddenly feels someone’s unseen presence. It is Luna’s, who sits on the island graveyard and establishes contact with him, scratching her hand until her green blood shows. At the nightclub, O’Hara spots a black cat, which hisses and leaves.

The group sails to the island the next day, where they are greeted by Luna and a shaman. They are warned to leave as the island is the reported home to zombies of dead natives. But Luna, who might be a ghost, takes a liking to Larry.

Erotic Nights of the Living Dead Trailer "After Midnight Series "