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Deadpool 2 (2018)

This pool aint no fool !

So The father of all 4th wall breaking, cursing, murdering, mercenary of all time is back in Deadpool 2…
Is this movie as good as the first part?

The answer to that is a resounding yes.

Does it break new grounds and do new things with the character?

Well… YES and NO.

The thing with deadpool is that the film makers are more than aware of what made the first one tick and they have very diligently stuck to the same formula. The film is a bit disjointed and the tone shifts wildly in the middle. But are you really going to this film for the plot and story?

The star of this film is DEADPOOL, his one lines, the jokes, the comedy, the grisly action… this is why we go for a deadpool film as compared to a MCU film. This film has that in spades.

That’s not saying that the story or PLOT make no sense, they do, the plot is fine, if a bit derivative, but when it gets too predictable, Deadpool just cracks in a line about LAZY Writing and we are over the slump of a plot convenience.

The thing to watch here is an unflinching performance of a slightly sociopathic anti-hero and his antics.
This time he is not alone, other than the 2 x-men from the previous film, he is also joined by a new team, known as the X-Force. They add a much needed breath of fresh air to the predictable sequel.

The humour is top notch, the jokes this time are less topical and more movie references, which the worldwide audiences will be able to relate more with than some USA or Canada centric jokes.
The music works, but isn’t as good as the first part and this film’s action does seem like its missing Tim Miller’s touch. The action is more John wicky… which makes perfect sense, but its lost its special awesomeness. But none of that takes away from the film.

Overall, the comedy, the action and Ryan Reynolds aka Deadpool will keep you entirely entertained.

Rating : a Solid 7.5/10. Not the best superhero film, but the most SELF aware superhero film for sure!

p.s : To fully enjoy this film, it’s not mandatory but its recommended to have seen the First part, and also these following films. (Even if not seen recently, just knowing about these films will suffice)
1. Batman V superman
2. Green Lantern
3. Star Wars Episode 4 & 5
4. X-Men First Class / Days of Future Past.
5. Any Bond film from the 60s and 70s. (ANY)
AND MOST importantly, this IS more of less a mandatory viewing.
4. X-men Origins Wolverine.

Watch it for good comedy
Simply awesome
DP is back!!!!
Deadpool 2 is a film directed by David Leitch. The trailers for this film looked fantastic. And, since I liked the first one I was looking forward to this film. And yes, Team Deadpool has delivered is what I can say.

Plot: Deadpool must save Firefist from Cable, a time travelling soldier, who has a grudge on him.

Story and direction: From the first shot itself, the mood is set. I also liked the way they actually had a kind of James-Bond song for the film. The film doesn’t feel like a studio film who just wants to make money out of a successful venture. I can give that credit to the team. It retains the things that made the first film a success and just develops on that. Also, we do get to see Deadpool getting a whole lot of drama, which was something I wasn’t expecting. But that was good since I got to see a whole new persona of Deadpool. And this film just doesn’t feel like a set-up for future instalments which normally is the trend now in Hollywood. Since we have David Leitch on the director’s chair, how is it not possible for the action scenes to be awesome? The score by Tyler Bates was awesome. I am a fan of the kind of music he incorporates to his films. Also the VFX has improved from the last time, although still there was one particular sequence that just felt CG-ed to mess. AS with the last film, I felt much wasn’t going on in the story department. It’s a kind of story that is seen before. Since the makers wanted to introduce a human aspect to the film, I felt the jokes were little less than the previous part.

Performances: Ryan Reynolds juts embraces this character of Dedapool. You just can’t picture anyone else, since he is just perfect. Josh Brolin just proves that he is a brilliant actor who just can do any kind of role. T J Miller and Morena Baccarin were good too. Karan Soni’s was also fantastic in what he was given. Stefan Kapicic and Brianna Hildebrand also provided good support. Julian Dennison gave an earnest performance. Last but not the least I felt Domino was just superb.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one between Colossus and Deadpool during the final fight. I remember laughing so hard in that scene. The kind of chemistry these 2 characters have is like no other.

Verdict: Even with a few flaws, I still thought that Deadpool 2 was an entertaining film. I had a great time watching the film. Hopefully, the future films will be as good as or even better than this one. If I have to compare with the first part, I will say that the first part was better. Do wait for the mid credit scenes. I just loved that. It was so hilarious.

I am going with an 8/10.
Sagar Gaikar wants to see Deadpool 2