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Chupke Chupke (1975)

This is a very enjoyable farce where Dharmendra first impersonates a lowly caretaker, and then plays an elaborate prank on his new brother-in-law by becoming his driver. Amitabh plays his best friend. It was fun to watch Amitabh play a nerdy character. He really reminded me of Abhi's comedy in this. So different than most of what I have seen Amitabh do. This is my first time seeing Jaya so young, and she was absolutely adorable.

But on to the main pair of the movie. Dharmendra was amazing! Yes, I have seen Sholay (in less than ideal circumstances with my BIL laughing throughout.) But Dharmendra! He is SUCH a hottie in this, and so funny!

The subtitles I had were actually very good, because they explained some of the word play -- at one point noting (Goo in Hindi means Shit)!!

And I looked up Sharmila because her smile was so familiar and went AHA! -- she's Saif's mother and he looks SO much like her, especially his smile. I was disappointed that we sort of leapt straight from the caretaker schtick to their wedding, because Sharmila and Dharmendra were sizzling together.

Certain parts of this movie moved very, very fast in plot, and other parts just kind of stayed in place to milk every possible moment of farce. I enjoy a good farce, but farces need to be fast paced, and this movie sometimes was languid. I also sort of didn't get the POINT of creating such an elaborate multi-day prank on a brother-in-law" Frequently farces are lies to hide something -- like the fact that a leopard is on the loose like in Bringing Up Baby. Or like in Housefull putting on a good show for in-laws. This was just a prank for prank's sake.

But back to Dharmendra. WOW. He was fantastic in this. So funny, so cute, so sexy, so everything. And he is 1000 times more good looking than his sons who must take after their poor mother.
lasting comedy
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