• A television series based on the Hindu epic Mahabharata.
  • List of Episodes (94)
    • 26. Krishna defeats Jarasandh and orders building Dwarika

      After finishing his education at Sandeepani Gurukul Shri Krishna returns to Mathura. Krishna advises Ugrasen, the king of Mathura, to shift his capital from Mathura to Dwarika. The Heir Apparent to the throne of Hastinapur is to be chosen and Duryodhan is staking his claim while Drona, Vidur and the people of Hastinapur favour Yudhisthir. Bheeshma remains silent as he is bound by his vow to serve the throne which is with Dhritarashtra
    • 27. Yudhishthir is crowned as prince.

      The court meets to name the Heir Apparent to the throne of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra is compelled to appoint Yudhishthir because of his superior intellect. Jarasandh, the King of Magadha, arrives in Vidarbha to meet King Bheeshmak. Jarasandh asks Bheeshmak to invite Shishupal, the Chedi King, to marry his daughter Rukmani and make Shishupal his ally. Rukmani however has lost her heart to Shri Krishna so she writes him a letter to take her away
    • 28. Krishna kidnaps Rukmini

      Shri Krishna has received a letter from Rukmani asking him to take her away from Vidarbha before she is married to Shishupal. Krishna decides to go to Vidarbha and defeats the forces of Bheeshmal and Shishupal and takes Rukmani away. In Hastinapur, Dhirtarashtra is worried about his throne. Yudhisthir has been made Heir Apparent (Yuvraj) and due to his popularity the people want him to become their King as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Duryodhan and Shakuni plot against Yudhisthir. They would lik
    • 29. Lakshagraha is built in Varnavar by Purochan

      Shri Krishna has received a letter from Rukmani asking him to take her away from Vidarbha before she is married to Shishupal. Krishna decides to go to Vidarbha and defeats the forces of Bheeshmal and Shishupal and takes Rukmani away. In Hastinapur, Dhirtarashtra is worried about his throne. Yudhisthir has been made Heir Apparent (Yuvraj) and due to his popularity the people want him to become their King as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Duryodhan and Shakuni plot against Yudhisthir. They would lik
    • 30. Tunneling in Varnavat begins

      Kunti takes Yudhishthir to Gandhari to seek her blessings before leaving for Varnavat. Gandhari is extremely happy to learn that Yudhishthir will stay in the beautiful palace built by her son Duryodhan. She is unaware that the palace is meant to kill Yudhishthir. The Pandava brothers are suspicious of Duryodhan’s eagerness to send Yudhishthir to Varnavat; so they accompany him to Varnavat. Kunti also decides to go with them. Vidur learns that Duryodhan’s spies had been collecting wax, oil and ot
    • 31. Escape from Lakshagraha

      Only three days are left for the house of wax to go up in flames and for kunti and her sons to burn to death. Vidur informs the Pandavas of the evil plan and sends them a miner who helps them dig a tunnel to escape. The charred corpses of a woman and her five sons mistakenly give credence to the news that the Pandavas were burnt alive. The Kauravas shed false tears for the “dead” Pandavas.
    • 32. Hidimb vadh and Bhims marriage

      After escaping from the tragedy, the Pandavas arrive in a forest and take rest.
    • 33. Bakasur's vadh

      The Pandavas stay in the city of Ekchakra in the guise of Brahmins. Kunti and Bheem learn of a cruel and terribly strong rakshasa named Bakasur who was harassing the people. Bheem sets out to eliminate this rakshasa. A great fight ensues and Bheem kills him. Not wanting to be recognized by the citizens of Ekchakra, the Pandavas leave the Brahmin’s house unnoticed and proceed on their journey, waiting for better days to come.
    • 34. Dristadyumna & Draupadi Birth and Draupadi Swayamvar

      The Pandavas journey through the forest and learn about Draupadi the daughter of King Drupad. At Droupadi's royal wedding ceremony many warrior princes were invited to attend. The candidate for the hand of the princess was required to string a mighty steel bow and shoot a steel arrow. Many noted princes rise and try in vain to string the bow. Then a youth arises from among the group of Brahmins and advances towards the bow. It is Arjun in the guise of a Brahmin. Om Shri Krishna recognizes him. A
    • 35. Arjun wins Draupadi

      Without pause or hesitation Arjun shoots his arrow into the target. He wins Draupadi's hand in marriage. The princes are loud with anger. "How can a Brahmin marry a princess?" they demand. A fight seems imminent. Shri Krishna seeks to appease the princes and Arjun and Bheem protect Draupadi. At long lost they take Draupadi to their temporary abode. Kunti unknowingly asks the five Pandava brothers to share their bride prize. Also, Shri Krishna meets his aunt Kunti and his cousins. Meanwhile Dhris
    • 36. Pandav leave from Panchal to Hastinapur

      Duryodhan and Shakuni are furious when they learn that the Pandava brothers are alive and that King Dhritrashtra has sent Vidur to call them back to Hastinapur. Karna, as usual, is ready to fight them, but Shakuni realizes that with King Drupad and Krishna on the side of the Pandavas it would be difficult to defeat them. Dhritrashtra consoles Duryodhan and assures him that his rights as heir apparent to the throne of Hastinapur will be fully protected. In Kampilya, King Drupad and Shri Krishna a
    • 37. Pandav arrive at Hastinapur and the kingdom is divided

      The Pandavas and Draupadi return to Hastinapur. Dhritrashtra conceals his disappointment and orders everyone to welcome them. Determined to establish peace between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, Bheeshma suggests giving half the kingdom to Yudhishthir. Dhritrashtra agrees to his suggestion. Krishna and Balram, also give their consent and it is decided that Yudhishthir’s coronation as King of Khandavprastha be held in Hastinapur.
    • 38. Pandav get Khandavprastha

      The decision to partition the Kingdom of Hastinapur between the Kauravas and the Pandavas is not liked by the Pandavas, but Krishna consoles them and tells them that Khandavprastha is their Karmabhoomi (field of action) Gandhari feels that a partition of a country can never be a solution to the rivalry. Bheeshma feels that there is no other option.
    • 39. Coronation of Yudhirsthir, Khandavprastha becomes Indraprastha

      Yudhishthir is coronated with great celebration. Dhritarashtra bids Yudhishthir farewell with these words, "My brother Pandu made this Kingom prosperous. May you prove a worthy heir to his renown! May you conquer the entire world! May you perform the Rajsuya Yagna and may you live long and rule as a just King as your forfathers did before you!" Ydhishthir knew that the land he was to rule was a barren wasteland, but he agreed to accept this injustice because he wanted peace. The Pandavas reach K
    • 40. Arjun runs away with Subhadra

      The Pandavas were happy in Indraprastha. To avoid rivalry amongst themselves, they had come to a decision to have Draupati divide her time equally between the five brothers. When she was alone with one of them and if any other brother should intrude on their privacy, he must go on a pilgrimage to do penance. Once while helping a Brahim, Arjun had to violate the rule and had to go on a pilgrimage. Arjun visited Naglok and Manlur, and there he married Ullipi and Chitrangandha. Duryodhan asks Balra
    • 41. Arjun gets Devdatta Conch and Gandiv and Bhim gets his Gada

      Arjun and Subhadra arrive at Dwarika and are formally married. Arjun later returns to Indraprastha with Subhadra. Draupadi welcomes Subhadra. Yudhishthir seeks Sri Krishna’s advice on performing the Rajsuya Yagna. Krishna approves but explains that Jarasandh, who has imprisoned 86 Kings, would be a constant challenge to Yudhishthir’s Royal Supremacy. Arjun, Bheem, and Sri Krishna eventually go to Magadh and challenge Jarasandh for a combat. Jarasandh chooses to fight with Bheem.
    • 42. Jarasandh Vadh, Rajsuya Yagnya begins, Shishupal's Story

      Bheem and Jarasandh are so equally matched in strength that they fight for nearly fourteen days without rest. When Jarasandh finally shows signs of exhaustion, Krishna prompts Bheem to bring an end to him. After Jarasandh had been destroyed, Jarasandh’s son was crowned King of Magadh.
    • 43. Rajsuya Yagya, Shishupal Vadh

      Yudhishthir decides to perform the Rajsuya Yagna. The first honor is rendered to Sri Krishna. Shishupal, the King of Chedi, ask, “ When there are so many Kings gathered in this assembly, why should the first honor be paid to Krishna – a cowherd boy and the son of a servant of Ugrasena?” Krishna warns Shishupal but Shishupal does not pay any heed so Sri Krishna kills him. The Rajsuya Yagna is celebrated and Yudhishthir is recognized as an Emperor.
    • 44. Vyas predicts war, Draupadi laughs at Duryodhan

      Duryodhan is unhappy about the prosperity of the Pandavs, Shakuni consoles him and later loses in a game of dice to Yudishthir. Duryodhan walks around Yudhishthir's 'Maya Mahal" and falls into one of the pools. Draupadi calls him the "blind son of a blind father." Duryodhan, Kama and Shakuni plan to avenge Draupadi for her taunting remarks. Shakuni suggests that Yudhishthir be invited to Hastinapur for a game of dice.
    • 45. Pandavas go to Hastinapur to Gamble

      Dhritarashtra orders Vidur to go to Indraprastha and to invite Yudhishthir to Hastinapur to play dice with Duryodhan. The Pandavs arrive in Hastinapur and pay their respects to the King. Dhritarashtra announces that the game will be played in the special assmbly hall.
    • 46. Yudhirshthir loses everything

      Duryodhan suggests that Shakuni cast the dice for him. Yudhishthir loses his entire Kingdom, his brothers, himself and Draupadi. Duryodhan insists that Draupadi be fetched to the assembly hall and orders Prathkami to bring her. Draupadi replies angrily, "Ask him who played the game of dice with Duryodhan, whether he first lost himself or his wife? Bring me his answer and then you can take me away!"
    • 47. Vastraharan

      Enraged, Duryodhan asks his brother Dushasan to bring Draupadi to the assembly hall. Dushasan drags Draupadi to the hall and tries to disrobe her but a miracle occurs. Bheem swears to avenge the wrong doing, while Draupadi rises to curse the Kauravs. Gandhari pleads with Draupadi to stop.
    • 48. Pandav Get Back Everything

      Gandhari warns Dhritarashtra that the attempt to disrobe Draupadi would cause the destruction of his lineage. Dhritarashtra gives everything back to the Pandavs. Arjun swears that the Pandavs want the dead bodies of Duryodhan, Dushasan and Shakuni to avenge the injury. Bheeshma says, "Don't forget Yudhishthir's role. Isn't he responsible for what has happened as well?" and adds, "Go back to Indraprastha and ponder over the incident with a cool head."
    • 49. Rematch of Dyut

      Duryodhan threatens to wage war against the Pandavs. When Dhritrashtra forbids him from war, Duryodhan secures Dhritrashtra's approval to entice Yudhishthir to another game of dice. Yudhishthir accepts the challenge but is once again defeated. The Pandavs are to spend the next 12 years in exile and the 13th year incognito.
    • 50. Vanvas Begins

      The departure of the Pandavas upset Bheeshama, Vidur, Drona and the other elders of the Royal House of Kurus. Vidur advises Dhritarashtra to summon them back. Dhritarashtra rebukes Vidur, so Vidur leaves. After spending thirteen days in the forest, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev are ready to wage a war against Hastinapur. Yudhishthir refuses to wage war and decides to spend the full thirteen years in exile as his punishment for being reckless in gambling