• Air date: 06 Oct '13 25 episodes
      After celebrating their victory against Al-Thamen, Aladdin and his friends depart the land of Sindria. With the end of the battle, however, comes the time for each of them to go their separate ways. Hakuryuu and Kougyoku are ordered to go back to their home country, the Kou Empire. Meanwhile Aladdin announces he needs to head for Magnostadt—a mysterious country ruled by magicians—to investigate the mysterious events occurring in this new kingdom and become more proficient in magic. For their
  • List of Episodes (25)
    • 1. Premonition of a Journey

      06 Oct '13
      Aladdin and his friends return to Sindria and are saluted by the people for conquering Zagan. During the festivities, Hakuryuu and Kougyoku hear that they were summoned back to the Kou Empire. It is also revealed that Dunya is resting at the palace, but refuses to talk to anyone beside Aladdin. By inspecting Dunya's dark metal vessel, Sinbad and his companions discover that it was crafted in Yamuraiha's home country, Magnostadt implying that said nation is somehow involved in Al-Thamen's plans.
    • 2. Departure

      13 Oct '13
      Aladdin reveals to Morgiana and Alibaba that he intends to depart alone to study magic in Magnostadt. As there are suspicions of Magnostadt's involvement with Al-Thamen, his friends attempt to dissuade him with no success. In the next day, Alibaba trains his Djinn Equip when Kougyoku appears to challenge him for a duel, but Sinbad steps in to duel with her instead and easily wins after unleashing the power of his Djinn Zepar. After the battle, Alibaba keeps company to Kougyoku as she recovers
    • 3. Setting Sail

      20 Oct '13
      The time comes for Aladdin's departure to Magnostadt. Hakuryuu and Morgiana decide to accompany him up to the Actia Kingdom before they follow their separate paths, with Hakuryuu returning to the Kou Empire and Morgiana leaving to visit her homeland in the Dark Continent. Alibaba, who is already aboard the ship, intends to make a surprise for Aladdin and the others but he is tricked by them who already knew about it. Alibaba then reveals that he intends to train with the Yambala Gladiators at
    • 4. Pirates

      27 Oct '13
      Aladdin and his friends have trouble fighting the pirates not only because of their magical tools, but due to the fact that all of them are children. When the pirates manage to capture Aladdin, they force the others to surrender and after looting the ship, they flee taking the young Magi with them. Unable to chase after their friend, Alibaba and the others disembark at Actia, where they learn that the pirates kidnapped several children from the slums and the military refuses to help them
    • 5. Mother

      03 Nov '13
      Aladdin's friends storm the pirate stronghold defeating all opposition despite being astonished at all their enemies being children, including small ones. Meanwhile, Madaura uses her magic tool, the "Holy Mother Halo Fan" to entice Aladdin using his feelings for his long lost mother, doing the same with Alibaba and the others when they arrive to rescue him. It is then revealed that the unyielding loyalty of Madaura's crew to hers is because all of them are under the fan's effect and she intends
    • 6. A Kind Person

      10 Nov '13
      The brainwashed Hakuryuu fights his own friends until Alibaba manages to destroy his metal vessel and he collapses from exaustion. Madaura attempts to escape but she is captured by the Actian military along the rest of the pirates. Back at the port, a commotion is started by the locals who attack the imprisioned Madaura until Hakuryuu stops them not to defend her, but to decapitate her in front of the pirates who swear revenge on him. Questioning him for his actions, Alibaba learns from Hakuryuu
    • 7. Ren Kouha Appears

      17 Nov '13
      Aladdin, Alibaba and Morgiana have one last party together before parting ways, promising to meet again as soon as possible. While Alibaba and Morgiana keep traveling by sea, but each with a different destination, Aladdin travels to Magnostadt riding his magic turban until he gets tired and boards a passing carriage instead, with instrucions to not disturb the other client who is traveling with them. When the convoy is attacked by thieves, the traveler is revealed to be prince Kouha Ren of the
    • 8. Days of Training

      24 Nov '13
      Forced to perform magic only with his own magoi, Aladdin is assigned to the lowest ranking class at the Magnostadt Academy, the "sixth kodor" where he is put under a heavy routine of physical training under his teacher Myers, who reveals that he and the other sixt kodor students will have another test in two months and will be expelled from the academy if they fail. He also meets his roommate Sphintus, who looks down on him at first for being assigned to a lower ranked class but eventually
    • 9. The Reim Empire

      01 Dec '13
      After being duped and stripped of all his belongings during his voyage, a hungry and weakened Alibaba finally arrives at the colosseum at the Reim Empire, seeking to study under the Yambala Gladiators, but having lost his letter of recommendation from Sinbad, Toto, one of the gladiators refuses to let him see her leader after easily defeating him in combat. Alibaba is then sheltered by the Nando Brothers, who used to be members of the Fog Troupe and had made a fortune by opening a cassino in
    • 10. The High Priestess

      08 Dec '13
      Forbidden to fight using his Djinn, Alibaba finds himself in a pinch against Garda, a huge ape monster on his debut at the colosseum. Severely wounded, Alibaba attempts to forfeit but the guars do not listen to him at all, as the audience wants a fight to the death. With his left arm broken, Alibaba reminisces about his childhood with Cassim and how they used to defeat much taller opponents with their wits and uses his surrounding at his favor to make a comeback and defeat Garda. In that moment,
    • 11. The Great Rift

      15 Dec '13
      Disappointed upon learning that the Katarg region where she was born is not inhabitated by the Fanalis anymore, Morgiana is about to be attacked by slave traders when Alibaba's brothers, Abhmad and Sabhmad appear to intervene. As they take Morgiana to see a leader of the local Toran village, Sabhmad reveals that after being removed from power in Balbadd, Sinbad recruited them to work as archeologists and investigate the elusive Toran culture, which is far older than all others existant. After
    • 12. A New Emperor

      22 Dec '13
      The heirs of the Kou Empire's throne gather to mourn their deceased father and decide his successor. In the occasion, Hakuei reminisces how ruthless her brother Hakuryuu has become after obtaining Zagan and becoming a general as her, although his army is solely composed of monsters he subdued. There is little doubt that their older brother Kouen will be chosen as the new emperor. However, their mother and empress Gyokuen Ren is appointed as the next ruler instead by a will allegedly left by her
    • 13. Titus Alexius

      29 Dec '13
      One year after parting with his friends, Aladdin progresses with his studies and passes the final exam of the First Kodor with flying colors by creating a huge mirage with his powers.Aladdin's friends are sure that he will be awarded as the best student of the First Kodor, but they get astonished when another student, Titus Alexius from the Reim Empire, was chosen instead. While moving to his new room, Aladdin is approached by Titus who wants to befriend him as he recognizes him as a brilliant
    • 14. The Hidden Citizens

      12 Jan '13
      Recovering from his wounds, Aladdin finds Titus in his room, who questions him about his intentions. In the occasion, Titus reveals that he is a magician sent by Sheherazade to spy on Magnostadt, Aladdin reveals his identity as a Magi and they become friends. In the next day, Aladdin, Titus and Sphintus explore the other districts of the city but are informed that the 5th Authorization District is off limits to them until they receive the proper education. Curious about it, the trio infiltrates
    • 15. The Magicians Country

      19 Jan '13
      Aladdin and Titus rescue Marga and confront the other magicians to protect the civilians until Myers appears to stop them. Brought before Mogamett, Aladdin is forgiven by the chancellor who reveals that he knows his teacher is Yamraiha and that he took care over her for some time after she lost her parents. In the next day, it is announced that the students are now authorized to visit the 5th district after Titus expressed his desire to keep watching over Marga's health, but before that,
    • 16. Remaining Life

      26 Jan '13
      Mogamett then reveals that after using their magic to gain the favor of most of the population, the magicians led by him incited a revolt that led to the downfall of the Musta'sim royalty and the establishment of Magnostadt. Impressed with Mogamett's speech, the students start opening up to his views except for Aladdin and Titus. Some time later, Mogamett asks Titus to take him to Marga in the 5th district where he allows the girl to live with him at the surface. Aladdin accompanies them as well
    • 17. Declaration of War

      26 Jan '13
      Titus reveals that he is a clone of Sheherazade's created using a part of her body and infused with her Rukh to act as her proxy, and he only has a month until his body expires. Mogamett tries to calm him down when Sheherazade herself contacts the chancellor by possessing Titus' body and demands him to return the boy to her. In the occasion, she gives an ultimatum to Mogamett, claiming that eventually the only paths for Magnostadt are to be annexed by either Reim or the Kou Empire and urges him
    • 18. Leam's Threat

      02 Feb '13
      The forces of Reim led by Mu arrive at Magnostadt and after Mogamett and his forces refuse to surrender, the Empire's soldiers charge forward. However, they are easily repelled by one of the three magical barriers surrounding the city and the magicians' counterattack. Meanwhile, Aladdin roams through the city looking for something that he claims it will bring death to everyone at the city if left unchecked. Back at the battlefield, the Reim forces break through the first barrier using explosives
    • 19. A True Magi

      09 Feb '13
      Aladdin attempts to dissuade Mu with no success and then unlocks his Magi powers to assist the magicians against the Fanalis Corps. With most of his companions defeated, Mu decides to press forward using the powers of his Djinn Barbatos, accompanied only by his sister Myron and his subordinate Lo'lo', fighting with their household vessels. The three Fanalis then approach the second barrier but before they could take it down, Aladdin summons three sand giants to protect it. Having fully recovered
    • 20. Reunion

      23 Feb '13
      Following Aladdin's declaration, Mu equips his Djinn and attempts to kill him and take over Magnostadt in one fell swoop, but Alibaba appears to stop the general, using Amon's power to dispel his Extreme Magic. Soon after, Sheherazade appoaches them and asks for a meeting in private with Aladdin, Alibaba and Titus at a neutral location. During the meeting, Aladdin asks for Sheherazade to end the war, claiming that destruction will befall the world should Mogamett be pushed to the limit, as the
    • 21. The King's Candidate

      02 Mar '13
      Deep into the undergrounds of the 5th district, Mogamett takes control of a large mass of Black Rukh stored there after falling into depravity to deal with the invading forces, just as the Kou army, led by Kouha charges forward. Kouha's forces are repelled by three huge Dark Djinns summoned by Mogamett. Despite fully equipping his Djinn Leraje, Kouha fights to the exhuastion because the monsters keep regenerating and urges his forces to retreat, but the soldiers refuse to comply out of their
    • 22. What You Want to Protect

      09 Mar '13
      The Dark Djinns are temporarily repelled by Kouen's household, but another group of them start attacking the Reim fleet and Sheherazade along Mu and the Fanalis Corps make a stand for the rest of their forces to retreat. Meanwhile, Back in Magnostadt, Titus is sheltered inside his house, clinging to Marga, in despair not only because he has so little time left but is unsure about what he should do for the sake of all the people he befriended. Marga then encourages him to follow his beliefs to
    • 23. The Djinn Warriors

      16 Mar '13
      Aladdin asks for Kouen's help and to convince him, summons his, Alibaba and Kouha's Djinns altogether. The Djinns then confirm Aladdin's claim that should the corrupt god Il Irah not be stopped, it will drain all of the world's White Rukh and all life on it will be extinguished. However, Kouen is more interested in which other secrets Aladdin could be hiding from him and agrees to help with the condition of the young Magi answering all his questions afterwards. As Kouen calls for his other
    • 24. Time of Destruction

      23 Mar '13
      Even with the combined effort of Alibaba and Kouen, the medium's barrier was not destroyed and it closes the volcano to prevent them from replenishing their magoi. Soon after, the medium assumes a grotesque, humanoid-like form that drains the White Rukh from everything it touches. When the medium seriously hurts Kouen and Alibaba, Kouen's brothers combine their efforts to deal a sequence of powerful attacks at it, ultimately dropping it into the ocean, which backfires when it empowers itself by
    • 25. Welcome Home

      30 Mar '13
      As the magicians rescue the wounded in Magnostadt, Mu and the other Vessels from Reim also join the battle. In a last effort to destroy the medium, Sheherazade sacrifices herself to reinvigorate the weary King Vessels with the last of her magoi and all dungeon capturers join forces to attack it with all their might at once. However, the medium survives the blow, but Aladdin glimpses a small light inside the giant making it hesitate. Certain that it must somehow related to Titus and Mogamett, the