• Air date: 07 Oct '12 25 episodes
      Aladdin is a boy who has set out to explore the world after being trapped in a room for most of his life. His best friend is a flute with a djinn in it named Ugo. Soon enough, Aladdin discovers he is a Magi, a magician who chooses kings, and he was born to choose kings who will follow the righteous path, battling against those who want to destroy fate.
  • List of Episodes (25)
    • 1. Aladdin and Alibaba

      07 Oct '12
      A young boy named Aladdin asks Ugo, a giant Djinn for a wish. Soon after, the boy crosses his path with Alibaba, a youngster who dreams to obtain power and wealth by clearing the mysterious dungeons around the world and claim their treasures. Upon learning of Aladdin's secret powers, Alibaba gets close to him trying to win over his favor, but he only manages to get his help when he finally assumes that his true desire is to overcome his own hopelessness. Aladdin's wish is finally granted when
    • 2. Dungeon Suite

      14 Oct '12
      Alibaba and a slightly exhausted Aladdin enter a nearby dungeon. They manage to elude traps and confront monsters which they rely on the power of Ugo with a price of Aladdin's energy. Afterwards, they entered a passage that shoots fire and Alibaba called it the Dragon's Tail. Little they know that they were being followed by Jamil, Morgiana and a hulking man armed with a sword called Goltas. Jamil confronts Alibaba and demands to deactivate the shooting fires on the passage and as Alibaba
    • 3. Magician of Creation

      21 Oct '12
      After escaping from Jamil and his slaves, Aladdin and Alibaba reach the dungeon's inner chamber. Soon after they are attacked again by Jamil and Morgiana. When Morgiana is about to kill Alibaba, Aladdin grabs a stone scepter and makes use of his powers to stop her, which propmts another Djinn named Amon to appear. Amon greets Aladdin and recognizes him as a Magi. Jamil urges Aladdin to recognize him as a king, just like his former teacher had foretold to him, but he declines. When the dungeon
    • 4. The People of the Plains

      28 Oct '12
      Three days after clearing the dungeon, Alibaba still had no news about Aladdin's fate. He is visited by Morgiana who thanks him for making use of the treasure he collected to free all slaves including her. Alibaba then decides to leave the city looking for his friend. Aladdin wakes up in a nomad village far away and is welcomed the Koga Clan's leader, the Shaman Chagan. Hakuei Ren, third princess of the Ko Empire appears at the village to ask the clan to join the Empire, but Chagan declines her
    • 5. Dungeon Capturer

      04 Nov '12
      As Aladdin rushes to take the Shaman to be treated, Hakuei learns that one of the soldiers was killed by an arrow from the Koga Clan and leaves the army under command of her aide Ryosai to learn the truth about the attack. She comes across the clan who does not believe her words even after she had herself wounded after refusing to fight back. Chagan, who is brought there by Aladdin under her request, reaffirms her decision to have the Koga become a protectorate of the Ko Empire and allows the
    • 6. Warrior Tribe Fanalis

      11 Nov '12
      Morgiana have passed the previous six months traveling with a caravan, but just when she is about to reach her destiny, the city of Balbadd, where she hopes to take a boat to her homeland, she learns that the caravan will take another route because of a group of thieves is on their way. Morgiana decides to confront the thieves by herself and is defeated by a slave trader who paralyzes her with the poisonous claws of his eagle. Once again in chains, she wakes up near a scared child who was
    • 7. His Name is Sinbad

      18 Nov '12
      Aladdin and Morgiana come across a naked man who was robbed of all his belongings and accompany him to the city of Balbadd. There they learn that the man is no other than Sinbad, the king of Sindria. Sinbad has come to Balbadd to convince their rulers to reopen trade with Sindria, but they claim to have their hands full dealing with a group of thieves known as the "Fog Troupe" who is now being led by no other than Alibaba. Upon figuring out the thieves' next possible targets, Sinbad and his aide
    • 8. A Broken Promise

      25 Nov '12
      Alibaba pass through Aladdin, claiming that unfortunately he can't keep the promise he made to him and invokes the flames of Amon's sword to escape with the rest of the Fog Troupe. Back to his room, Alibaba is kidnapped by Morgiana who brings him before Aladdin so he can explain himself properly. Meanwhile, Sinbad discovers that Balbadd is being pressured by the Kou Empire to adopt their currency. Alibaba reveals to Aladdin and Morgiana the story of how he was raised in the slums along Kassim,
    • 9. A Prince's Duty

      02 Dec '12
      Alibaba concludes his story, revealing that after Cassim's attack on the palace, his father died and he fled the country in regret. After his encounter with Aladdin, he decided to return to Balbadd to take responsibility for his actions, just to find that the slums where he was raised are no more. Cassim revealed to Alibaba that it was destroyed by the government after an epidemic that claimed the life of his sister and asks him to become leader of the Fog Troupe to make a stand against the
    • 10. His Name is Judar

      09 Dec '12
      he man presents himself as Judar, an oracle serving the Ko Empire who claims to have business with Abhmad. Ignoring Alibaba's protests, Abhmad reveals to Sinbad that by recommendation of his financial advisor Markkio, he relinquished all of Balbadd's trading rights to the Ko Empire, thus he is not in position to resume trading with Sindria. Back at the Fog Troupe's base, Sinbad announces to the people of the slums that negotiations with Abhmad failed, but for some reason, Cassim and his
    • 11. A New Visitor

      16 Dec '12
      Judar is saved from being killed by a princess of the Kou Empire and her aid Ka Koubun, who tends to his wounds. Ugo tries to attack them, but the princess defeats him with the aid of her Djinn Vinea. Aladdin then launches himself in fury against the princess who orders her servants to kill everyone. However, Sinbad intervenes and convinces the princess to retreat. As the wounded from the battle are treated, Alibaba and Morgiana find an exhausted Aladdin who had almost all of his Magoi depleted
    • 12. Determination and Separation

      23 Dec '12
      Before returning to the palace, Sabhmad warns Alibaba that in five days, Abhmad will marry one of the Kou Empire's princesses and in the occasion, his decision to turn the people of Balbadd into slaves will be announced. Some time later while Aladdin still shows no signs of waking up, Alibaba is informed by Sinbad that in order to stop Abhmad's plans and prevent the country to be taken over by the Kou Empire, he must assume the throne of Balbadd. As Alibaba wanders the streets thinking about it,
    • 13. Prince of Rebellion

      06 Jan '13
      Alibaba manages to reach the palace grounds, but Abhmad sends one of the three royal guards from the Kou Empire to kill him. After finally succeding to properly equip Amon's sword, Alibaba defeats the first guard, but the second guard and his army of monkeys block his way until Morgiana appears to fight in his place, allowing him to keep pressing forward. As Morgiana fights the second guard, Alibaba runs out of Magoi while fighting the third guard and creates some fire with oil to power up
    • 14. Alibaba's Answer

      13 Jan '13
      As Alibaba tries to convince Abhmad to step down, Kogyoku Ren, the princess they previously met, appears in an attempt to stop the commotion. She claims that even if Abhmad is removed from power, another king must be chosen to marry her as part of Balbadd's agreement with the Kou Empire and all agreements between both countries, including the slavery treaty, must be acknowledged. Alibaba instead declares that there will be no king at all because Balbadd's monarchy shall be dissolved and adopt a
    • 15. Cassim's Answer

      20 Jan '13
      Instead of accepting Alibaba's solution, Cassim ignites a rebellion claiming that despite being removed from power, the monarchy still must be executed for their crimes against the people. Meanwhile, Aladdin's spirit is brought before Ugo, now reduced to just his head, who reveals to him that Alibaba and the others are in danger by the devices of those who intend to disrupt the natural flow of Rukh and cover the world in darkness. To fight them back Ugo sends Aladdin into a portal for him to be
    • 16. Wisdom of Solomon

      27 Jan '13
      Now transformed into a Dark Djinn, Kassim takes advantage of Alibaba's reluctance to kill him and breaks his sword. Sinbad tries to weaken Kassim until he is restrained by Judar, who joins the battle and takes control of Kassim. Fueled by all the Black Rukh created by the turmoil in Balbadd, Judar and Kassim overpower Alibaba, but just as they are about to kill him, Aladdin appears to stand in their way. Enveloped by a huge mass of untainted Rukh, Aladdin deflects Judar's attacks and asks for
    • 17. Smile

      03 Feb '13
      Aladdin briefly restores Alibaba's sword, allowing to dive deep into the Dark Djinn and meet Cassim in spirit, learn the reasons behind his friend's hatred and convince him to give up on his revenge. Cassim's body then returns to normal, but he dies by the effects of the transformation. After the weapon dealer takes Judar away and send him to his masters, the organization "Al-Thamen", his body is destroyed by Sinbad who had his metal vessels returned to him by the thieves who stole it. Aladdin's
    • 18. The Kingdom of Sindria

      10 Feb '13
      With the help of his friends, Alibaba organizes the reconstruction and establishment of the new democratic government in Balbadd and he is bitten by a strange snake that disappears soon after. However, a huge fleet from the Kou Empire approaches Balbadd and is preparing itself to invade it. Alibaba asks to Sinbad to let him defend his country against the invaders, but to protect him, he knocks him unconscious and sends him with Aladdin and Morgiana to Sindria instead, as he departs to the Kou
    • 19. The Culprit's Name is Sinbad

      17 Feb '13
      As Yamuraiha teaches Aladdin about the properties of Magic, Sinbad presents Alibaba with a sword he received from his late father to replace his broken knife as Amon's metal vessel. Morgiana is also asked to choose an item to be infused with Amon's power to serve as her household vessel, but she decides to have one forged from the same shackles she used during her times of slavery instead. Soon after, a fleet from the Kou Empire arrives bringing the fourth prince Hakuryuu Ren, accompanied by
    • 20. The Two Princes

      24 Feb '13
      Upon learning Hakuryuu's reasons, Sinbad insists that he should learn more about his country first and asks him to introduce himself to Alibaba and the others. When Alibaba meets Hakuryuu, he hears a voice from himself urging him to hate and attack him, but he collapses instead. Upon being examinated, it is revealed that the snake bite Alibaba suffered in Balbadd has spread into a dark wound onto his body, from which the agent of Al Thamen, who was supposedly destroyed there, emerges. Sharrkan
    • 21. Zagan Labyrinth

      03 Mar '13
      After a brief contact with the bizarre creatures living inside the Zagan Dungeon, Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana and Hakuryuu are greeted by Zagan himself, who holds the child who asked them for help previously as a hostage and declares that to rescue her and the other islanders trapped there, they must succeed in passing his trials. The party clears the challenges and traps Zagan throws at them with certain ease, except for Hakuryuu, whose refusal to accept assistance causes more trouble than help,
    • 22. Household of Flames

      10 Mar '13
      Judar breaks past Sindria's defenses and confronts Sinbad about his intentions of bringing Aladdin to his side. Judar also questions him about why despite there always had three Magi alive on each era and with the other two known to be still alive, a fourth Magi enlightened by the Wisdom of Solomon, Aladdin, has appeared. He also warns Sinbad that sending Aladdin and the others to Zagan by themselves was a mistake. Sinbad then realizes that there are members of Al-Thamen who infiltrated Zagan
    • 23. Battle Cry

      17 Mar '13
      Hakuryuu takes the villager girl and Morgiana to the treasure room for their own safety, leaving Aladdin and Alibaba to confront the three enemies, Ithnan, Dunya and her knight Isaac by themselves. Just like Cassim did once, Dunya impales herself with a Dark Metal Vessel and becomes a Dark Djinn to fight Aladdin, while Isaac crosses swords with Alibaba. The young Magi and his friend find themselves on a disadvantage at first, until they change their strategy and gain the upper hand. However,
    • 24. Fall into Depravity

      24 Mar '13
      The forces of Sindria resist the attack from Al-Thamen's forces, but while Sharrkan and Masrur manage to defeat two of the enemy's main commanders, an ominous huge mass approaches the island, devouring all it touches. Meanwhile at the dungeon, the empowered Dunya prepares a massive attack to wipe out Aladdin and the others while Isaac protects her. Just when Alibaba is about to be killed by Isaac, Hakuryuu stands between them to protect him and has his left hand cut off. Once completing her
    • 25. Alibaba and Aladdin

      31 Mar '13
      Aladdin tries to reason with Alibaba with no success due to Ithnan's control. Morgiana and Hakuryuu join the fight and in the occasion, the real Zagan chooses Hakuryuu as his master, using his powers to create a replacement for his lost arm and they manage to give an opening for Aladdin to successfully reach his mind with the Wisdom of Solomon. With Kogyoku's help, Sinbad's forces manage to defeat the remaining threats and protect Sindria. As Ithnan flees away, Sinbad appears before him and