Highly recommended!
Delhi crime is hands down, one of the best criminal series I have seen till date. Based on the gruesome crime, Nirbhaya case’ which shook the whole nation, the rawness that the makers captured in the show made it so hard to take a break from it. The extreme reality behind the whole storyline makes it extremely exhausting for the mind but the brilliance of direction and action captures the attention of the viewers. Some scenes were a real eye-opener while some made my blood boil whereas some scenes sent a cold shiver down my spine. But on a short note, for all the readers, go for it. This sow is utter brilliance.
Rajma chawal is a famous North Indian dish, highly loved by majority of the Indian population. Everyone loves to add their own taste, their own magic to the recipe just like this Netflix original. Based around the relationship of father and son, it focuses on the moving and passionate attempt of a father to rekindle his dying relationship with his son by catfishing him. One thing leads to another, and soon Mr. Mathur is caught up within his web of lies and is sucked deep within. Thus, entering the girl whose picture he was using to catfish his son. And this is where the movie goes downhill. The attempt at taking a dramatic turn ruins the whole element of the movie.
Amazon Prime’s ‘Four more shots please!’ is a coming of age drama series about the lives of four independent working women, well-settled in their lives. The show has a very slow start and I would have definitely not watched it further if I had not read the reviews prior to watching the show. I liked the powerful and dominating role all the lead characters had but that is all. Half of the show had some absolutely unnecessary scenes and some cringe-worthy sexist jokes. Most of the time, it feels like watching a presentation instead of a properly directed show. But the characters made the best of their on-screen time. #chickFlick #feminist #bestOfDrama #friendship #adultery #
Must watch!
TVF released another gem in the form of ImMature, on MX player. She show portrays the journey of thinking I’m Mature to being actually mature. I love this show for its touch with reality. It does not glamorize school life like Student of the year. Instead, it shows how every student has lived their school life, with parents being an obstruction to fun, studies taking away all the ‘me-time’ and the innocence of first love. The beautiful bond that the three friends share gives moments of nostalgia to the viewers. The show makes you laugh and the climax makes you emotional which is the perfect combination. The only thing that I disliked about the show was the less number of episodes. But, all in all, the show is perfect.
Khushi Sharma reviewed Aafat
MX player’s original series ‘Aafat’ deals with the unfortunate reality of the matchmaking in India. The superficial things like bank balance, outer beauty or other social norms. Revolving around the life of decent and good looking Ricky Malhotra, a catch in the marriage business. Along with his mother, he sets out in search of a beautiful and suitable bride. He is presented with 5 matches, each of them having a quirk considered unsuitable for a perfect bride. Baldness, hairy, loud-mouthed, overweight and divorcee, the girls bring their own set of peculiarity to the show. I really loved the perfect timing all the characters had on the screen and the humorous portrayal of matchmaking in India. The title is made up by the initial of every girl’s name, Aditi, Aisha, Faiza, Anu and Titli. There is nothing too overwhelming about the show and is perfect for binge watching.
Made in Heaven is a capturing Prime’s original drama series revolving around the lives of two wedding planners Tara and Karan and the unfortunate and dark reality behind big fat Indian weddings. Each wedding brings a new set of drama in their lives along with the problems in their personal lives. With closeted sexuality and infidelity in marriage, life throws one lemon after the other in their lives. The show keeps you hooked throughout the duration of 9 episodes each being about an hour long. The only thing that annoyed me about the series was the complex narrative at the end of each episode because it is of no use. The show is pretty self-explanatory. The guest actors starring in the show add to the charm of the show with their excellent acting skills and perfect timings. The show is a seemingly excellent creation by Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti.
Must watch!
Dil dosti daftar is a crisp, funny and sweet story about three men and the portrayal of love, friendship and work in their life. It is one of the series that I am really glad that I was introduced to for their quirks and amazing dialogues. The show stole my heart in the initial episode only with the amazing acting and well-written storyline. The cast act as a perfect combination on screen and the supporting actors are like cherries on the top. The show is not stretched to an unwanted long duration unlike many other shows and is an example of sheer intelligence. It can be streamed on YouTube.
The Screen Patti’s ‘weekends’ is a hilarious crossover of the corporate workers and the undying need of a weekend. The show has decent amount of quirks and humor and nothing that appears to be unappealing at all. I really liked how the show has an engaging start and is thoroughly moderate paced which does not make it appear boring. It shows the hardships men face while being torn between living life on their own terms or to work for a comfortable lifestyle. A large portion of people can easily relate to the characters. TSP delivered another gem with this show and can be streamed on YouTube.
‘Sacred games’ is a star studded Netflix original and is one of the most hyped shows of 2018. The show has a series of flashback events with the present day storyline. The show has an intriguing factor and is very captivating. It is the story of Ganesh Gaitonde, who rose from nothing to be one of the most feared gangsters in Mumbai and an honest police officer Sartaj Singh who tries to unravel the mystery of his life. The show has its own series of twists and turns and extensive quirks. I personally did not find the show as fascinating as I expected it to be. There were several moments where the show became extremely slow paced and slightly boring as well. But still I look forward to second season to find the answers to the cliffhanger left hanging at the end of the series.
Gruesome yet captivating
Mirzapur is an Indian TV series which takes gory to the next level. It illustrates the tragic reality of a lot of places in India. It follows the story of Kaleen bhaiya, the godfather of all the crimes and illegal activities happening in Mirzapur. Pankaj Tripathi nailed this role to the best. He is religiously followed by a gang of goons who are ready to die on his command. Along with his family, the show also features another middle-class family that gets involved in this messy tornado of illegal activities. The show consists of all level of brutality towards fellow humans. A groom is shot mistakenly in the eye, a guy’s head is shot open till his brains start spilling out, another person’s guts are spilt out in another gruesome incident and the list just goes on. Despite all the violence, I found the show quite captivating and binge-watched the whole series. Hopefully, the makers will tone down the violence a tad bit in the second season.