Decide Next Movie or TV Show in 30 Seconds

Easiest way to find movies & TV shows across all streaming platforms. Watch trailers, view IMDb & Rotten Tomatoes ratings.
With so many streaming options available today, it's hard to figure out what to watch next and where. There are more than 30+ streaming services operating in India and browsing through movie & TV show collection of each seems impractical.
MyMovieRack is offering a streaming guide service to help you decide your next movie or TV show in 30 seconds. You got everything you need in this page - hand curated collections, streaming options, trailer, ratings - you name it, we have it. Pro users might check our discovery page with all sorts of filters. This guide is slightly biased towards recent content but we do have all time hit collections too. For now, movies and TV shows available in India are supported. More countries' integration coming soon!