well, I remember how pumped I and my friends used to be for Spider-man movies. I even put my BITSAT date the first available slot so that I could catch Spider-man 3 as early as then possible.
Again, Spider-man 2 happens to be one of the best Superhero movies of last gen, after Batman Begins. But shouldn't we take a break? Do we really need a Spider-man movie, thrust into our faces, every 2 years? Then next one is already scheduled for july 2016 and we also have 2 spinoffs on the way? aah...we need some pest control. Or maybe its superhero fatigue. We are having too many superhero movies, at least 4 a year...2 weeks later we have XMEN: DOFP and Gaurdians later in the year. Would they have anything new to offer other than Good vs evil, Hope vs Fear and David vs Goliath plot??

Coming back to movie, the villains are an wasted effort(should have stuck to 1) and too "cliche'd", more "comic bookely" than the one's we see in mithunda's movie...announcing names in and spurting dialogues explaining their motives . This might appeal to young audience but not to current gen, who has seen characterizations such as Loki, Joker and the Winter Soldier.

But on a positive note, we finally have the wisecracking and cocky Spider-man , on the same lines as the TV shows and comics...but why does he still keep crying every 30 mins??. The Action sequences are +1, and especially the climax battle with dubstep....but I wish it did not have "not another comic book ending"...ala Iron man 1's ending.

I won't say I am pumped of for the next one unless we have Carnage or Mysterio.
I will begin by saying I am a huge fan of Spider-man. Electro is visually incredible and his fights with Spider-man are the some of the highlights of the movie. The Times Square fight sequence is the best action sequence I have seen so far this year, and it will probably remain the best for a while.
Emma Stone is an excellent Gwen Stacey and the two actors share genuine chemistry.
It had a good amount of comedy, truly deep emotions, brilliant action and not to mention the soundtrack was a killer..!!
It would have been a great movie if i wouldn't have seen the rest of spider man. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone chemistry is what i liked most. Everything else is just feels like a recap.
Marc Webb's first movie was a happy little romcom named (500) Days of Summer. Come on, cut the guy a break, will ya, Hollywood?
a completed disaster with too many villains in the film. Great action scenes though.
Good graphics, No action . Disappointment
Action is mesmerizing. Overall OK OK.