Amish Gupta
  • 4.5/5
Gold standard for RomComs

The series showcase not just one of the most adorkable characters ever written (Mikesh played by Sumeet Vyas), but also presents a refreshing tale of new age romance. 'Permanent Roommates' is the story of Mikesh and Tanya (Nidhi Singh) who successfully managed to carry a 3 year long distance relationship, but as Mikesh pops the question, Tanya can't bring herself to the same page.

The opening scene alone dives right into the character building and so much about Mikesh and Tanya's relationship dynamic becomes apparent from a phone call. This feat is wonder of ingenious writing, brilliant direction and stunning performances. First season deals with the Tankesh's journey of self discovery and compatibility. Second season is an extension to the first and has a lot more twists and revelations than the last season.

While I would have settled for a less snarky female protagonist, I am glad the writers still managed to make her just as lovable as Mikesh.

TVF has a track record of delivering high-quality content, and permanent roomates is one of the shows that helps TVf build that repute. This show manages to uphold its charm year after year and is a gold standard for all future romantic comedies.
