Man of Steel Review

Maxie The Movie Person
  • 2.5/5

See, the thing about Stan Lee and Kevin Fiege is that when making a superhero movie, they know why people will rush in opening weekend. They know what it's like to read a comic and see flying people punching criminals. It's fun. Even when the movies they make are dark, they're still fun. Even when they have political/social commentary, they're fun. Even when they have flaws or are just plain bad, they're made with the intention of being fun. Marvel doesn't just want cash, Marvel wants us to smile.

DC, on the other hand, has a policy that only makes their superheroes feel like they were treated by Christopher Nolan, without the subtlety or any relation to the Dark Knight trilogy. They will just pick any director that will make the movie a winner in audience attention but not audience reaction, and make anyone who isn't Batman grittier than they were meant to be. Gone are the days when Superman would use his heat vision to heat up a BBQ or turn into a baby repeatedly in his life, but that surely can't mean he should be this corrupted. DC doesn't want us to smile, DC just wants cash.
