Paints an honest picture
A mini web series, with episodes no longer than 10 minutes on average, You me and galatfehmi is an interesting take on shortcomings in human nature that leave us jealous, insecure or worse -skeptical. Each episode follows a formulaic pattern and the show begins with one of the partners being suspicious about something completely harmless that their better half said or did. 'Galtfehmi', soon comes into play and starts concocting all sorts of unreasonable conclusions.

The format is humourous, writing is on point but nothing that is unheard of. Performances are just good enough. Although It is comforting to hear absurd spiral of thoughts out loud, that every human brain tends to drift into, if, given the liberty, a need for refinement to the overall sketches is apparent.

Created by Blush channel, you, me and galatfehmi presents nothing fresh and is kind of lame in my opinion. It does not give much to look forward to either. The show has only 2 episodes which act as two faces of a coin. Misunderstandings in a relationship are extremely toxic and this show has its whole focus on this. Insecurities creep in Ritu and Amit’s happy lives like a termite and bring a new challenge in their life every day. The show has a good lesson but it still fails to make an impact on the mind of the viewers.
Often there are times when it has been said loud and clear that overthinking is a part of problems and worst still misunderstandings that creep up unknowingly in relationships can be a cause of wreck and disappointments. You, Me & Galatfehmi is all about that. Starring Naina Sareen, Ashwani Kumar and Aritro Banerjee, its story revolves around the life of Amit and Ritu, the 'Galatfehmi' embodying itself through insecurities and misunderstandings like the wife earning more than the husband and other such things. However, the content isn't new, not something we haven't seen already. The dialogues are just fine and the acting is not promising either. Overall, nice.
The good old pal "Misunderstandings". Ritu and Amit just like any ordinary couple have a beautiful relationship. But sometimes when things go a little bit off as expected there's this weird feeling " what happened today?", and that my friends is called 'misunderstanding' or in easy words 'galatfehmi'.
This web series is presented by Blush on their YouTube channel. Its an entertaining series, though there are only two episodes it has really done the job of letting the 'idea' of the series reach the audience's minds. Misunderstandings can play with our minds in absurd ways and make us overthink over little things. It has a good humor and provides a good laugh.
All over a fun series to watch I suggest that people must watch it.
A fresh take on relationships
You, Me and Galatfehmi is an Indian comedy series by Blush. It follows the story of a couple and their insecurities in the relationship. One of the most interesting parts is that the protagonists physically talk to their misunderstandings, which is genius. The whole show has a very real take on relationships and very relatable insecurities. The show unfortunately has only two episodes, one from the husband's point of view and the other from the wife's. You will most definitely enjoy the show with it being light-hearted and each episode having a happy ending. Go for it.
You, Me and Galatfehmi is a web series from the house of Blush. It is a comedy web series which beautifully portrays the misunderstandings between a couple. The series revolves around a married couple Amit and Ritu and their misunderstandings. It has two episodes, the first one features Amit and shows some of the things which he misunderstood regarding her wife since she got a promotion and the second episode features his wife who goes through a series of thought while he is working late at the office. It shows how misunderstandings can be a disaster for a relationship and every couple should get over those negative thoughts. The series is entertaining and humorous. All the couples out there check out the series on the official YouTube channel of Blush.
First of all i want to thank god for not having those galatfehmis in real life, else they will ruin our lives for sure. This series had only two episodes, actually it is better to call them a single show with two versions , one is male version and other is female version. Actually we do have galatfehmis in our lives but they are #imaginative . Even they had only two episode to show , they played #bestOfDrama , and it is #entertaining more than many series which contains dozens of episodes. What the good thing is both the episodes has #happyEnding despite the bad thoughts , or else it would lead to more episodes. I enjoyed alot.