Latest Reviews & Buzz for
Logan (2017)

Rohon Nag reviewed Logan
Scraps the flesh off the bones its so gritty!
The X-men film franchise has come a very long way since it started in the year 2000. Wolverine is without argument the X-men’s most beloved character. He has had 2 Solo spinoffs till now and they were JUST NOT GOOD!
So going in, I had low expectations despite the trailers looking good…
And despite not being heavy on over the top action or crazy stunts, this film is GOOD.
It just works well as a film, it’s a touching story of has beens who are no longer (if ever they were) Superheroes. It’s a sad look into the world of people who are different and severely persecuted because of it…
The direction, editing, cinematography is all top notch, it’s not overly done, there are no silly slow-mos its rough, gritty and brutal.
This being rated R, the characters drop the F-Bombs LEFT and RIGHT, Professor X, the X-men’s leader is now old and senile and he curses… a lot.
The highlight of this film is the way it’s been made and portrays mutants. It’s very realistic, Logan is no longer quick or strong, he is healing less and he is now old. The muted tone of the film and slower pace might not work for some X-Men fans, but this film is soulful and heavy.
The interaction of wolverine and the X-23 (the small girl) is very touching and forms the basis of this film.
Having said that, the villains in the film are a bit lacking except ONE particular X-24. That is a crazy bad ass villain and the film needed MORE of X-24 (can’t reveal who it is played by!)

So if you like the X-men or just want to see a deep Sci-fi film with lots of allegory this is the film for you!

Rating: 8/10. Must watch for X-Men and Wolverine fans as this is that character’s last film!

Pedro Pons watched Logan
Sapinho watched Logan
Addict rated Logan
There was and will be only one Wolverine.
The movie is a break from regular superhero movies abusing CGI and a perfect farewell to Wolverine.
Action! Oh boy! action is brutal. One of the car chasing scene in the first half took me to the Mad Max world for a couple of moments. The chemistry between the trio is brilliant. Go and watch it!