Clearly this film has some bizarre, occasionally artsy French ambitions, kazoo music, octopus ogre, ostriches, toad force-feeding, and all - none of which can justify the outstanding plotholes and ugly design. With a figure and tight clothing like that, the princess is so sexy that even her way of kissing sounds far from family-friendly. And apparently, they already got the English voice director to dub "The Cat", who is anything but a swashbuckler like the poster suggests.

By choosing William Shatner of all people to re-dub this cat and allowing him to add some of the most embarassing ad-libbing and improvisation in the history of English dubbing, sounding like his best impersonation of any man who's ever been given the opportunity to dub a Dingo Pictures cartoon in English with a touch of booze, Phase 4 proves that some films should stay in their own country.
The True Story of Puss 'N Boots - Trailer                                                                       