Latest Reviews & Buzz for
Hogar (2020)

JVan reviewed Hogar
The Occupant an originally Spanish movie falls under the category of a thriller.

Javier who once was a rich man, with a house of his dreams filled with beautiful memories he made with his family,is forced to downsize after his job is no more worth much in the market and his pay hardly is sufficient to support his family. Moving along the lines of the story Javier realises he still has a key to his former house which has now been occupied. There begins his obsessive journey. He starts using the key very often to keep visiting the house, he even develops a friendly relationship with the occupant and his family. First it started of as a one time thing and now he's too far and too deep in to go back to his normal life.

This movies to me, came off as a try hard thriller. It started off pretty decent but lost its intention along the path. Seemed like Javier should have put all that hardwork into getting himself a better job then all the time he wasted trying to wreck a home. The storyline eventually becomes predictable with nothing interesting happening. Definely had a better scope if more efforts had been put by the writers.