Latest Reviews & Buzz for
Stranger Things (2016)

MMR buzzed about Stranger Things
Our lovable characters for next 3 more seasons ?
i am really addicted to this tv show.
Small but Brilliant
Ever seen a bunch of 15-year-old as leads who make you addicted to the show. Stranger things is one. It is set in 1983 in a small town called Hawkins in Indiana where it all started with the disappearance of Will Byers who goes missing after playing Dungeons and Dragons in his friend Mike’s house. Everyone searches him for days and days and finally believes that he is dead except for his mom who still thinks he is alive and is communicating with her through lights and few impulses. After knowing about the scientific research going on in the Hawkins laboratory and the “strange things” happening over there opens up a new perspective to the missing case of Will Byers and also introduces us to the whole new world of Upside down, Monsters, weird creatures and also a new character called Eleven or El who helps these kids find their friend. There is nothing more we can say about this without spoiling the whole show
The way the story is set up with its 1980s background and a fantasy thriller genre is justified by its visual, the character portrayal and the story. A single mother, weird scientific research, the clothes, the buildings everything. The Duffer brothers effort to pull off this theme worked out. This was also supported by the quite small and extraordinary cast of Kids and Experienced actors such as Winona Ryder etc. They also capture both the “simpler times” feel of a bygone era, but also the grim reality of that time, with the perpetual threat of war and the way heinous crimes were so often swept under the rug. Will’s disappearance sparks a town-wide manhunt and media coverage, but when a second child vanishes, it’s dismissed as a teenage runaway.
This show which is a mixture of Stephen King, Speilberg and all those mystery childhood stories which we read as kids brings back the nostalgic feel to it which made us attach to the series and not to mention, The cliffhangers every episode ends with. This probably has the best cliffhangers in a TV show ever which hooks you up and forces for a binge watch. The best thing about this shows is the way the viewers perspective on the characters change from bad to good and how every character contributes to the show in a significant way which most of the shows failed to address.
Overall its just brilliance from a bunch of kids and a small cast which hook you up with the show right from the beginning of the pilot with their mindblowing acting and fast-paced story which is easily binge-able and won't take you more time