Revolutionary Road, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet together again!
American dream gone awry.
A couple much-in-love get married and start a family in Connecticut. After a few years and two children they struggle to escape the mundane life. Whatever promises they made,all those dreams they shared have fallen apart-what lies is a coexistence of compromise where the core of the family where love and trust has been replaces by row and disgust. Frank Wheeler(Di Caprio) and April(Winslet) appear to be a perfect couple and the Wheelers are admired by the neighbours for their marital bliss. Frank and April have fall out at every little aspect- Frank wants to escape his job and April aspires to be an actress. they decide to move to Paris to pursue their dreams and bring back sanity to their family life. But fate does not allow it. Frank gets a promotion and April conceives her third child. They repeatedly fall out regarding their final decisions where April's ideas appear to be selfish and ambitious-while Frank is more concerned about the family. A friendly couple,wants their son,who is just out of an asylum to spend time with the apparently peaceful Wheelers,but the apparently insane person lashes out at their dysfunctional marital life with his caustic but pragmatic remarks and widens the crack between them.
What appears to be sane is not and the ones society marks as insane are the truthful ones. The hollowness of the American dream,the deceit in marriages,the dysfunctional modern family every issue of modern life is dealt in a heart-rending manner. Both Winslet and Di Caprio deliver absolutely touching performances. One of the most path-breaking scenes in the movie of the scene where April performs her abortion while Frank happily goes for work . Thomas Newman's haunting music produces gosebumps as we see April shattering our hopes of a happy reconciliation.
Revolutionary Road - Trailer                                                                       