How "Kong Skull Island" should have ended...
#1 Leave Kong Alone.
#2 Gasmasks are Your Friend.
#3 Skullcrawlers Shouldn't be Stupid.
#4 Kong hands are not Safe.
And finally.....
#5 Kong Still Hates Helicopters.
How Kong Skull Island Should Have Ended                                                                       
Kong! The King is back and how!
Okie… Minor spoilers ahead, but nothing the trailers haven’t already revealed!

I went into this film expecting nothing. 2014’s Godzilla is in the same connected universe and I borderline Hate that film, so this film seemed like a total dud for me.
And… its starts out very lame, for the first 15 mins it seems like a washout, but then Kong enters the scene and WHAT A ENTRY! The Kong’s entry scene and the next action scene tops most of all King Kong action scenes ever done. It’s amazing. The 3d works, the editing is great and it really drives the plot ahead… In fact, it’s the best action scene in the entire film!
The performances in this film are some of the WORST I have seen in a big budget action film, the Vietnam vets, all of them are badly performed and somehow Samuel L Jackson and Tom Hiddleston manage to give decent performances. Brie Larson is supposed to be eye candy, but she adds nothing to the plot or the going on. She is neither a damsel in distress nor is she a badass! She isn’t glammed up or made tough enough like Ripley in aliens. So her role is pretty much... meh.
John C. Riley has one of the best roles in the film after Jackson. Sam Jackson delivers his usual punch lines and other than him, nothing good is happening in the acting department.
Music and sounds wise, it wasn’t that impressive, but the cinematography is very post Platoon and Apocalypse Now.

The action with Kong is VERY well done and there is LOTS of it, no shortage of Kong and he is the main character and they haven’t reduced his role to tiny size like in Godzilla. They have used him liberally and he works.

This film is worth a watch if you like Kong and want to see the huge monkey kick some major arse!

Rating: 5/10 for the rest of the film, but an added bonus of +2 for Kong. So 7/10 Total.

P.S: This is not a very good film, but it’s better than Godzilla and the action is a LOT more satisfying. Peter Jacksons Kong was better in my opinion.

P.P.S: There is an end credits scene. Wait for it.

Rohon Nag
i can understand why you felt the flow was halting, it wasn't continuously exciting, the pace was a bit slow then fast then slow... but anaconda was also something like it, so I was ok with the pace, but the movie never shined big time, it was ok for the most part!
Yes an average pre summer fantasy actioner, except the first Island fight scene.