The best thing I have come across
Just Awesome !!!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a film directed by Chris Columbus. For many years, I hadn't given a damn about the Harry Potter series. But seeing the fanfare surrounded by the series, I decided to give it a try. After watching this one, I can definitely say that I am on the verge of being a fan.

Plot: Harry Potter, an orphan living with his uncle and his family is invited to Hogwarts School of Magic to become a wizard.

Story and direction: I had watched this part around the time it released but never just kept in touch since I didn't understand a word. Seeing it now as an adult and a movie lover, I just fell in love with this fictional world created. The characters, settings, story, etc.. all just feel seamless. Thanks to J K Rowling, Steve Kloves and Chris Columbus who have done justice to the source material provided to them. I feel the themes are so very relevant in this film. The intricacies of those themes are valid in the current world we do live in. This is what I just exactly want from any story presented to me. Although the film is very long, I never felt bored for a single moment. And to adapt quite a huge novel comes with responsibility and precaution, which the makers completely justified. The sets are huge and awesome. You just feel you are in Hogwarts actually. Also each characters costume is just to marvel at. John Williams once again just proves why he is the composer of the century. But I did feel some flaws to the film. Being a first film, the main plot of the film comes at around the 90th minute of the film. Also the VFX of the film felt very amateur considering some great VFX was done in the years preceding this film.

Performances: I would say that the casting of the film is just perfect. Applause for the casting team is deserved. Never do you feel that another actor should play the role. The kids, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Tom Felon just to name a few are fantastic. These 10-11 year old just steal your heart. Also the other cast like Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane make themselves likable.

Favorite Scene: There were many favourite scenes in this film for me. But one scene in particular was the troll scene where Harry and Ron decide to save Hermione and after the saving Hermione vouches for the boys. This is the scene where you actually happen to see the bond solidified between the 3 as friends.

Verdict: For anyone who just loves fantasy film and worlds with great visuals, this film is just for you. I assure you won't be disappointed. I plan on seeing the entire series now because I am fascinated by this world and want to see what else has it got to offer.

I am going with an 8/10.
Piyush Arya
It tops my guilty pleasure list :) . Its hard to toggle channel when its playing Harry Potter.
Extraordinay acting by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson have played Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.JK Rowling must be happy to see his book with visual effect.
A Magically Wonderful Journey
Who doesn't want to go to a school of witch craft and wizardry, especially when there are so many adventures waiting for them? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone brings us the journey of an orphaned boy who lives oblivious to his magical history until a mysterious letter drops by for him from Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft an Wizardry. The movie is an adaptation of J. K. Rowling's very first book of the series, and guides us through the adventure of Harry and his friends, Hermoine and Ron. While the movie is slightly different from the book, it manages to capture the magic and the aura of the characters and the magic world, leaving the viewers to woo over it at the end. Even though a few characters like Malfoy and Dursley are a bit more of typical comical villains,usually ones we see in a children's movie, the movie also revolves around the friendship of the lead characters and is a beautiful moral to the everyone watching it. Finally, the movie is entertaining and engaging from starting to end and deserves to be in the watch list of movie enthusiasts.