G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Official Movie Trailer #1 HD
I was not much of a G.I. Joe fan when I was a kid. It was much better than expected as pure entertainment.
I don't feel like I want my 2 hours back, but the only thought anyone could give to the film after those two entertaining hours would be to compare it to the cartoons/comics. To that end, my opinions are thus:
They did a great job with casting, although Dennis Quaid should not try to fake a John Wayne accent. : D Ray Park, playing the role of Snake Eyes, once again kicks ash. His scenes alone are almost worth the price of admission. Byung-hun Lee also does a great job as Storm Shadow and I'm happy to say they seem to have preserved most if not all of the back story for these two characters.
The characterizations were very good, including the changes to some of the characters' back stories. Not over the top and also not two-dimensional. And no, Marlon Wayans, including his predictable brand of comedy relief, did not have a major influence on the tone of the film. My only complaint is that the back story for this incarnation of Cobra Commander is really dull compared to some of the cartoon/comic concepts. I had hoped for a larger ensemble of Joes, in keeping in line with the franchise, but my guess is that future G.I. Joe movies will expand on that. On the other hand, they brought in more Cobra classics than I expected.
The "accelerator suits" which are featured in the trailers are, I think, unnecessary and not in keeping with the franchise. My biggest complaint here is, why aren't the other Joes wearing them and why hasn't Cobra (not called Cobra in the movie) stolen/adopted them yet. I know the reason they were used, they're major eye candy, but they could have done more with less. I predict they'll come up with some cheesy excuse to scrap them for the next movie while letting the bad guys use something nearly identical.
Seriously, it's not bad. Good matin