What impressed me most was the unique narration style of a generations-old tale - two best friends falling in love. Umang (Umang Jain) and Rohan (Rohan Shah) have known each other since forever and understand each other inside out, yet fail to recognize the chaotic chemistry of their relationship.Umang, an ambitious, self-sufficient over achiever falls for Rohan in fear of losing him. Rohan is a free-spirited carefree guy who believes their friendship to be of purely platonic nature.

Both Rohan and Umang are likable characters with a fair set of imperfections. That makes the show human and grounded. Neither are they ideal nor is their friendship. Characters are nuanced and portray a gamut of emotions effectively, except for Rohan's rage filled crying, which is an unpleasant sight literally and figuratively.

The plot isn't exceptional or highly engaging, but short episodes cramp in a lot of events and work in the series' favor. So far the episodes haven't dissappointed but I am not very eager for the next one either.

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Fairy Lights is an Indian drama web series by Dice Media. It's ending is as absurd as it's beginning. Athe time of review it has only two episodes. Everything is ambiguous from the beginning, the characters, their relationships with each other and the plot. Even though only two episodes two have been released, the story has no direction. The show has no humor or a thrilling storyline to keep your interest.
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Light FairyLights✨
Fairy Lights , is a series which talks about the truth of life which is far from fairy land. Fairy Lights is another product from Dice Media , the sister channel of Filtercopy. It delivers 2 lead actors who are just about to step into there college life . The decisions they make , the reason and mindset behind them are basic and not very tough to understand but are shown in a beautiful manner. The background score gives feel good vibes. The show has 2episodes out and continue to run on the youtube. The series contains nice potential to reach to a conclusion with the feel good illusion.
Kaafi Su Che!
Fairy Lights is basically a coming of age story about two friends - Umang and Rohan. Both these characters are done with their 12th boards and are waiting to go off to college. The first episode begins with Umang being highly reluctant to celebrate her 18th birthday as she failed to get into her dream college. On the other hand, Rohan has already planned a surprise for her 18th birthday by booking an entire farmhouse for her , which actually turns out to be Rohan's friend Shreekamal's house. A fight ensues between Umang and Rohan regarding college and the party. They sort of reach a middleground and decide to go to Shreekamal's place when Umang gets to know that Rohan never really planned a surprise but he just wanted to cheer her up and that's why the huge DRAMA. But, in the end they decide to have a party at Shreekamal's place to celebrate Umang's 18th birthday to which Umang agrees heartily. In the second episode, Shreekamal and Umang have a conversation over a cup of steaming hot tea and he reveals that he is well aware of the fact that Umang and Rohan are dating. Umang is left flustered and she assures him that they are just friends and there's no other dimension to their relationship. At the end of the episode, Rohan informs Umang about his date with Simran and Umang's expression changes completely. It's quite unclear if she is genuinely in love with Rohan or just disturbed with the fact
that her friend is going out on a date with her rival. Because the episode ended on a cliffhanger, I am waiting for the next episode. It's short, cute and highly relatable. You guys can easily watch it on the official page of dicemedia YouTube. It's a fun watch. Tweens, young adults and teens will definitely have a fun time watching it!
Fairy Light a Hindi web series released by Dice media in 2019. It is based on friendship and talks about the flaws in our education system. It currently has two episodes. Both the episodes were amazing and entertaining. In the first episode, Rohan is planning a party for Umang’s birthday which is in two weeks but she doesn’t want to celebrate as she is upset because she couldn’t make it to the college she wished for. The bonding between them is beautifully portrayed. Rohan cheers her up and goes to a friend’s house Shivkamal to ask for his farmhouse for the party. Eagerly waiting for the 3rd episode and I am sure it will be amazing like the other two. It is suitable for teens. It can be watched on YouTube.
Fairy Tales is a web-series from the house of Dice Media, which is the sister channel of Filtercopy.

The first episode shows the story of two friends, Umang and Rohan, roles played by Umang Jain and Rohan Shah, who have passed their high school and is currently concerned about their career and future studies. Umang is a bit worried, as her application in her dream college has been rejected, over a mail and she is really disheartened. Rohan, her friend wants to cheer her up and plans to celebrate her 18th birthday in their farmhouse, nearby. Although some misunderstandings take place due to the seriousness of the rejection of her application, ultimately the atmosphere cools down and no more clouds exists in the sky of their friendship.
The second episode shows how Rohan and Shreekamal, the planner whom Rohan had given the charge of Umang's birthday party, lightens up the mood of the story, and portrays some different perspectives in it. It shows some different side of Umang's character, where she feels a bit off when she finds that Rohan is going on a date. However, at the beginning of the episode, we find Shreekamal and Umang befriend each other over a cup of tea and have some discussions over tea.

The episodes are available on YouTube, on the official channel of Dice Media.
It's a new series by Dice media which is sister channel of filter copy and creating amazing content. The first episode is about two friends, just passed their highschool and are thinking about their future studies. Umang and Rohan are the leads in this series. Where Umang is upset abput not getting into her favorite college and is not willing to celebrate her 18th birthday, her friend Rohan on the other hand is trying ydp everything to make her happy and feel okay about it, and consoling her that everything will be fine. He's trying to persuade her mind to have this party so that she could unwind a little bit and not give herself a hard time. At the end they somehow make it work and they set foot to prepare for the party.