Really makes you wonder
After watching the show, I can’t stop thinking about the loads and loads of our private information that’s available online at strangers' mercy. It’s baffling and frankly scary how we hardly blink twice before posting so much of our lives that’ll last virtually for eternity on the web. One thing, that this 3-episode series establishes is that internet entails good, bad and the ugly. User’s discretion is highly advised.

The documentary is about Luca Magnotta, a convicted murderer, who rose to his supposed “fame”, when he started posting videos of him suffocating and drowning kittens on the internet. Soon, the cat lovers and vigilantes of the internet took it upon them to identify the psychopath. But even sooner the online manhunt took ugly turns and Luca’s victims weren’t just cats anymore.

The documentary has been narrated by the actual people involved in the hunt, which makes it all that more compelling to watch. I will only warn of the graphic detail and the distress it may inflict, but that’s about it. It’s well made and well directed. Go for it.
Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer | Official Trailer | Netflix