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Cinderella (2015)

Frankzander wants to see Cinderella
Meg Dean wants to see Cinderella
Molly watched Cinderella
I loved this adaptation. The costumes were beyond divine. I actually said "wow" out loud at several points over the costumes in the theater. The sets were gorgeous as well. The CGI castle reminded me of a blend of the castle outside St. Petersburg near the sea with Versaille.'

Richard Madden and Lily James had wonderful chemistry together. It was quite something to see Richard Madden all cleaned up and spiffy so unlike his GOT role. His scenes with Derek Jacobi were wonderful and warm. Fantastic supporting cast all around -- and some big names. I mean can there be a more perfect evil step-mother than Cate Blanchet? Or a more perfect quirky fairy god-mother than Helena Bonham Carter (but with weird teeth). Stellan Skarsgard is the plotting Grand-duke, and the scullery maid fo\rom Downton Abbey was one of the step-sisters. When did Ben Chaplin get old? -- he's Cinderella's father with distinguished gray temples.

What I really liked was that Cinderella wasn't the typical damsel in distress dishrag. She had agency. Her mother's dying words are that Ella should be courageous and kind, and that's what she always strives to do. The fairy godmother weaves her magic because Ella is kind enough to give her a cup of milk when she is in disguise as a beggar woman. Cinderella's final words to her step-mother as she walks out with the prince? "I forgive you." But the best twist is that when she could present herself to try on the slipper, she doesn't because she wants to stop her step-mother from worming her way into the royal court.

There were just several moments that were magical, in a good movie sigh kind of way. One in particular for me was the dance of Cinderella and the Prince at the ball. The choreography was outstanding. It could have just been the Beauty and Beast style waltz around the room, but it was so much more. It was a blend of formal dancing like you've seen in Pride and Prejudice where they circle each other with raised clasped hands that built up to waltzing and then exuberant almost Russian style lifts of Cinderella by the Prince. The dance told a story, and it was incredibly beautiful to watch.

I also really liked that Cinderella and the Prince meet in the forest before the ball. He hides his identity, too, by saying he's Kit, an apprentice at the palace. She just wants to go to the ball to see her "apprentice" friend, not to snare the prince. And he opens the ball to everyone in the hopes that he'll see her again. Little touches like that to the script added quite a lot for me to the original.

Also, I'm sure there are many, many Easter eggs. I spotted Micky ears in the leaded glass of Cinderella's front door, but my favorite was the Roman emperor's statue in Derek Jacobi (the king's) bedroom. I, Claudius reference in Cinderella! Love you Kenneth Brannagh.
Marwan Alghany wants to see Cinderella
Sassenka wants to see Cinderella