Best of Cap Trilogy
Captain America - Civil War is a film directed by Russo Brothers. Back in 2016, watching the trailer excited me. But due to some reasons, I couldn't watch it in the cinema. Finally, when I watched it at home, I felt so bad for not watching this film in the cinemas. But still I was satisfied since I got the best that MCU had to offer.

Plot: Due to recent events, the Avengers are divided into 2 factions over an Accord that would oversee the Avengers' activities.

Story and direction: Russo Brothers nailed it when it came to The Winter Soldier. They opened so new dimensions to Captain America and MCU that I couldn't think of. So when announced that they would be returning for the third installment, I was overjoyed. The story encompasses all the events that have happened in the past eight years. The theme dealt with in the film regarding those who still suffer while the Avengers win, so gets attached with you. This is what instantly got me connected. Also we get the MCU dose of entertainment which never is off. The characters, even the new ones although minimal in their roles get their due importance in this film. You can understand as to why a person makes such a decision. Same can be said for the villain too. As usual, production design and VFX are top-notch. Never does it feel artificial, it feels so natural. The action sequences are jaw-dropping. Many people complained of shaky cam been quite often used, but I didn't notice any. Henry Jackman's score is awesome to hear especially during the Bucky-Cap-T'Challa chase scene and the climax in Siberia. I couldn't fault this film even in a single bit even in my 5th viewing of this film.

Performances: Chris Evans is again on par excellence as Captain America. Robert Downey Jr I guess delivered his best performance as Iron Man/Tony Stark. A special mention to Sebastian Stan for wonderfully carrying the role of Bucky Barnes. Same goes for Anthony Mackie. Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson were alos great in their appearances. I missed Hayley Atwell in this film a lot. Emily VanCamp was great. Chadwick Boseman looked promising and can't wait for his solo venture. It was good to see William Hurt Back. Daniel Bruhl also was impressive. Paul Rudd reminded me again why he is perfect Ant-Man. Finally, Tom Holland. It's a Spider-Man that I have been waiting for years. Than you MCU for giving us the Spidey we love to see.

Favorite Scene: When it comes to this many will say the Airport fight or the climatic battle in Siberia. But those are action scenes. Not that I am saying they are not great, but those don't count for me as a favorite scene. My favorite one would be the one-on-one Stark has with Peter Parker as to why he (Peter) gets up every morning. That scene impressed me a lot because of what Stark makes Peter realise in the scene.

Verdict: Civil War is definitely the best that MCU has us to offer. The Russo Brothers again did it. They had a difficult task of handling an ensemble cast and they came out victorious. Can't wait for their Infinity War.

I give it deserved 10/10.