Epic conclusion you can't afford to miss.
Over the decades, Marvel Studios has gone a long way far, starting from Iron Man(2008) and has arrived at its 19th production, Avengers:Infinity War. This film stars its main iconic characters, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk and many more, with the addition of the badass villain, Thanos, who has now finally come into limelight after having being appeared briefly in previous Marvel films. The basic plot deals with the quest of Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy to stop Thanos from acquiring all the six infinity stones and destroying the universe.
Apart from this, it has has a lot of other sub-plots and a lot of twists which subsequently add to the masala of the film. Now , let us have a word on the performances. Josh Brolin as Thanos is truly engaging and he also has the longest screen time in the film. Looks like Marvel is moving forward to give its villain much more prominence than what it has given until now. Every moment Thanos comes on-screen, he steals the show. Josh Brolin has perfectly depicted his persona by potraying Thanos by his motion capture performance. [SPOILER] The scene where Thanos has to sacrifice his daughter, Gamora , gives Thanos an arc to his character and Josh Brolin, an Academy Award Nomination. LOL. Other actors are also good. Zoe Saldana as Gamora has second most screen time after Thanos, and her importance is also equally important in the storyline, which has been perfectly shown and equally well performed. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth , all have their time and they do well.
Now, coming on the Vfx and Background scores. The visual effects rendered in the film are just MIND-BLOWING, be it the motion capture animation ,or the battle scenes, its just amazing. The background score has been handled by Alan Silvestri and fits well to the scene.
Every aspect of the film has been well managed, and I would recommend to watch it for fun. But if you're a Marvel fan, you just can't resist it.
My rating : 9/10.
The film ends in a cliffhanger, and you'll be extremely excited for its sequel, which arrives almost an half an year later , from now. #superhero #actionpacked #visuallyStunning #comicBased
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