• Air date: 17 Jan '11 120 episodes
      Amateur chefs compete against each other by hosting a dinner party for the other contestants. Each competitor then rates the host's performance with the winner winning a £1,000 cash prize. An element of comedy is added to the show through comedian Dave Lamb, who provides a dry and "bitingly sarcastic" narration.
  • List of Episodes (120)
    • 141. Birmingham, Matthew Emson

      21 Nov '11
      Matthew Emson hopes to win over his fellow diners with a combination of luxury ingredients, charm and tactical game play. While his crystal ball-reading entertainment makes a big impression on Patricia,Terence and Sarah find it hard to take seriously.
    • 142. Birmingham, Lorraine Wood

      22 Nov '11
      Second to host in Birmingham is catering assistant Lorraine Wood who has chosen a Mexican theme for her night, including inflatable cacti and a hula hoop competition. But it's going to take more than that to impress last night's host Matthew Emson, who declares that the `gloves are off' now that his night is over. Terence Wallen is expecting a wholesome meal from voluptuous host Lorraine, and gets more than he bargained for when he sees Lorraine's skimpy costumes. But as the night unfolds the
    • 143. Birmingham, Sarah Ward

      23 Nov '11
      Next to host in Birmingham is young music graduate Sarah Ward, who owns an extensive collection of doll's houses and plans a Tudor-style dance for entertainment.
    • 144. Birmingham, Patricia Jones

      24 Nov '11
      In Birmingham, 42-year-old chatterbox and salon owner Patricia Jones is hoping to impress her guests with an Irish-themed menu and a personal performance of a Celtic classic.
    • 145. Birmingham, Terence Wallen

      25 Nov '11
      The final night in Birmingham sees Terence Wallen serving parrot fish and offering a massage to de-stress his fellow diners.
    • 146. Norwich, Miranda Robinson

      28 Nov '11
      Come Dine With Me is in Norwich, and first to host is MA student and part-time waitress Miranda Robinson. With her staple uniform of high heels and short skirts, Miranda claims that although she looks like a bimbo she is actually rather intelligent. She hopes to impress her diners with her posh starter of Escargot de Bourgogne. Miranda is adamant that everyone should at least try her starter, but some of her guests find them hard to swallow, in particular fussy chip van owner Cheryl Pennell,
    • 147. Norwich, Danny Bond

      29 Nov '11
      It's the second day of the competition in Norwich and the turn of international DJ Danny Bond (aka Gadget Man) to host. Danny sweats it out in the kitchen with a very adventurous menu and as he pushes his culinary skills to the limit, it's touch and go whether he will pull it off. And he's got a DJ dress code to boot. While Danny's food goes down well with his guests, the host himself is unimpressed with the outcome, and his time spent away from the table leaves the guests feeling a little let
    • 148. Norwich, Amy Nicholson

      30 Nov '11
      It's halfway through the week in Norwich and the turn of part-time stand-up comedienne Amy Nicholson to host. But before the guests even arrive, they are puzzled by her laid-back Middle Eastern menu. Dave, Danny and Miranda are confused by the strange sounding food, while fussy eater Cheryl fears that she'll be served up more "foreign muck". The night kicks off with table talk of Amy's stand-up but Dave steals her limelight announcing he too is a stand-up comedian. The calibre of the jokes
    • 149. Norwich, Dave Webster

      01 Dec '11
      It's day four of the competition and time for Norwich's version of Alan Partridge, aka radio DJ Dave Webster, to cook. He's planning a Norfolk-inspired menu, which should hopefully please one of his guests, fuss-pot and foreign food hater Cheryl Pennell. The night kicks off with a few giggles when Amy and Miranda stumble across a photo of their host in speedos. And the Dave-bashing continues when he asks his guests to guess his job. Not that Dave cares, he's too busy congratulating himself on
    • 150. Norwich, Cheryl Pennell

      02 Dec '11
      The final night in Norwich sees chip shop van owner Cheryl Pennell cook for her guests. Luckily for Cheryl, her van is parked on the drive ready for her to serve her 'posh' fish and chips. However, things don't go quite according to plan when one deep fat fryer fails to heat up leaving her cooking plans in disorder. Once she gets the food on the table, Miranda wastes no time in drawing attention to her cleavage and some misplaced chilli sauce. As the night progresses Cheryl finally gets
    • 151. Stockport, Linda Weeks-Holt

      05 Dec '11
      Local councillor and proud northerner Linda Weeks-Holt throws a rag-to-riches themed evening, full of Northern delicacies, including tripe and meat puddings wrapped in an old bedsheet.
    • 152. Stockport, Lady Annie Targett

      06 Dec '11
      It's the turn of Lady Annie Targett to host. But she's not just any lady, she bought her title off the internet. Lady Annie is hosting a black tie event.
    • 153. Stockport, Sam Kitching

      07 Dec '11
      Civil servant Sam Kitching takes his turn at hosting. Sam's aim is to charm the ladies with his delights, while shooting down in flames his older arch rival, the retired copper John Brinnand.
    • 154. Stockport, Kristen Cooley

      08 Dec '11
      All-American gal Kristen Cooley plans to bring the Wild West to Stockport for one night only and dazzle her guests with an American-themed party.
    • 155. Stockport, John Brinnand

      09 Dec '11
      The final day sees retired copper and old charmer John Brinnand take up the challenge. John plans to go all Zen in homage to what he feels will be a winning Thai menu.
    • 156. Celebrity Christmas Special, Linda Nolan

      26 Dec '11
      It's high camp at Christmas this year on Come Dine with Me as five plucky celebrities take to the stage for a festive pantomime special. The opening night sees singer Linda Nolan hosting with a Jack and the Beanstalk-themed dinner and the cast for this evening's performance truly enter into the panto spirit. There's a disaster with the dessert, fun and games with the infamous magic beans, and even a star turn from a pantomime cow! But has Linda done enough to impress her guests and win £1000
    • 157. Celebrity Christmas Special, 'Nasty Nick' Bateman

      27 Dec '11
      The second day of the Christmas special sees Big Brother villain 'Nasty Nick' Bateman play host, and he's planned a Dickensian Christmas Carol themed evening with all the trimmings. It soon becomes clear that Nick is taking his role of Scrooge too seriously and his guests are shocked when they see the tiny amount of food on their plates and the portion control applied to the dessert. To make matters worse, Nasty Nick's hosting leaves a lot to be desired and even a rousing chorus of Ding Dong
    • 158. Celebrity Christmas Special, Bianca Gascoigne

      28 Dec '11
      Day three's pantomime is Snow White, casting model Bianca Gascoigne in the lead role as host. Her welcome certainly doesn't fall flat and, with her bevy of seven dwarves, her entertainment hits just the right note. However, it's not just the spuds on the stove simmering, as tensions at the table between 'Nasty Nick' Bateman and Linda Nolan threaten to boil over. Will Bianca's festive blow-out impress her guests or will tensions cost her the £1000 charity prize?
    • 159. Celebrity Christmas Special, Danny Young

      29 Dec '11
      It's day four of the pantomime inspired Christmas special and the host is soap actor turned panto star Danny Young, who's putting on an Aladdin themed evening for his guests. Danny prefers takeaways to cooking and normally leaves things to his girlfriend. It soon becomes clear that he's been given a hand in preparing his meal, which he still manages to mess up. His guests arrive resplendent in Far Eastern costumes. The arrival of a belly dancer lightens the mood and there's wall-to-wall
    • 160. Celebrity Christmas Special, Colin Baker

      30 Dec '11
      The final pantomime curtain call is provided by former Doctor Who actor Colin Baker, whose Cinderella themed evening is a ball. After 30 years of avoiding anything resembling cooking a meal, Colin has to master the art of a three-course dinner, while Danny takes him on a journey back through time. Entertainment is provided by Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer as you've never seen him before and one of the guests walks away with a Christmas present of £1000 for charity.