• Air date: 26 Nov '11 5 episodes
      Tony Robinson explores the weird and wonderful history of belief, superstition and religious experience in Britain. For 2000 years, Britain has been a Christian country. Or has it? In fact, our ancestors actually kept many other dark, fantastical beliefs alive. It was a world underpinned by outlandish, dangerous and plain weird beliefs. Ideas that today seem unbelievable, but were seen as uncontroversial and hugely influential, with some having shaped our history as much as mainstream religion
  • List of Episodes (5)
    • 1. The Undead

      26 Nov '11
      Tony Robinson explores the weird and wonderful history of belief, superstition and religious experience in Britain, starting with our fascination with - and terror of - dead bodies.
    • 2. Evil Spirits

      03 Dec '11
      Tony Robinson explores our ancestors' beliefs in a world full of demons that could enter your body and take control of it; and of invisible spirits that would steal humans.
    • 3. Disease

      10 Dec '11
      Tony Robinson explores our ancestors' weird beliefs about disease, which was caused by demons, sprites and Gods, and treated with blood baths, prayer, potions and the paranormal.
    • 4. Witches

      17 Nov '12
      Tony Robinson follows the story of one of the models for the witches in Macbeth
    • 5. Gods

      24 Nov '12
      Two thousand years ago, Britain was a pagan country, with cruel and unforgiving gods. Tony Robinson's journey to meet these vicious gods begins 2500 years ago in Celtic Britain.