/ Movies / Tillie's Punctured Romance

Tillie's Punctured Romance Plot

A womanizing city man meets Tillie in the country, after a fight with his girlfriend. When he sees that Tillie's father has a very large bankroll for his workers, he persuades her to elope with him.

Tillie's Punctured Romance Cast

User Review
  • 4.5/5
By Anish Misra
Chaplin all the Way

This is one of the most early film's of Charlie Chaplin (the one that is nit written-directed by him). I saw this film just because of one reason: Charlie Chaplin. I had seen all of his later works like The Kid, The Circus, Modern Times and many more. So I actually wanted to see what he was before these films.

Plot: A stranger dupes Tillie to marriage in an attempt to steal all her money.

Story and Direction: There are many instances now-a-days of duping people just because of their money. But at that time (we are talking of some 100 years back), this topic was something unique and cinema was just growing. Normally this topic of duping has a very dramatic genre, but here comedy and...

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