• Katts and Dog is a French and Canadian-produced television series which ran from 1988 to 1993. It was known as Rin Tin Tin: K-9 Cop in the United States where it originally aired on CBN Cable/The Family Channel and Rintintin Junior in France on La Cinq. CTV broadcast the series within Canada. When the episodes were filmed the dog’s name was “Rudy”. When the series was aired in the U.S. and France, the name was dubbed as “Rinty” to go with the new title. However, some episodes of Katts and Dogg have the American dubbing where "Rudy" is called "Rinty" throughout the episode. The episode Hit and Run is an example of this. When the series went out in Britain, it kept the title Katts and Dog, but the dog's name was changed to “Rinty.” The show is about the life of Canine Officer Hank Katts and his canine partner who fight crime and the forces of evil. The show’s early episodes begin with Hank just finishing up Police Academy. Later on, it shows the first meeting between Katts and...
  • List of Episodes (22)
    • 1. Freeze

    • 2. Hot Under the Collar

      Rudy goes undercover
    • 3. A Family Affair

    • 4. 12 Cops And A Baby

      A baby, an upset bride and a jewel theft keep the K9 unit busy.
    • 5. Decoy

      Rene joins the K9 unit to observe and goes undercover to find a serial killer who meets his victims walking their dogs in the park.
    • 6. The Gun

      The gun that killed Stevie's father may have turned up.
    • 7. Lost and Found

      Hank shoots an armed youth, but in the confusion the gun has been picked up by a kid who sees the shooting, leaving Hank in serious trouble.
    • 8. Double Exposure

      Robberies are done by one twin while the other gets close to Hank.
    • 9. A Killer Among Us

    • 10. Officer Down

    • 11. Jail Bait

      Rene goes undercover to get close to a cop killer's girlfriend
    • 12. Mistaken Identity

    • 13. Don't Drink the Water

    • 14. The Chameleon

    • 15. Day of Jeopardy

      Hank has to transport a secretary who's going to testify against her former boss
    • 16. A Ride into Danger

      Rene is kidnapped while on a bike ride with Hank and Stevie
    • 17. Diplomatic Immunity

      Rene's father is shot
    • 18. The Grand Hotel Caper

      Hank, Rene and Dan go undercover to solve a series of thefts in a hotel.
    • 19. Scent of Evil

      Perfume is stolen
    • 20. Lost Dog

      Rudy goes after a man and gets lost in Paris.
    • 21. Desperate Sunday

      Rene and Calahan are held prisoner in the property room by members of a Chinatown gang wanting their property back.
    • 22. Fatal Obsession

      Griff Lewis is an actor who's latest production is being threatened. He stays at the Katts' while Hank tries to find who's behind the threats.