Anish Misra
  • 3/5
This Kingdom has really Fallen

Jurassic World – Fallen Kingdom is a film directed by J.A. Bayona. The trailers of the film looked quite good and with me liking the first part (Jurassic World), I was quite excited for this one. But alas, it mostly disappointed me.

Plot: Owen and Claire travel to Jurassic World to rescue the remaining dinosaurs in Jurasic World from a volcano that would explode any minute.

Story and direction: This film series boasts mainly for its special effects and visuals. That box is ticked with every instalment in this series and it never fails to impress me. The action sequences are spot on and have been directed very nicely. The character designs for the dinosaurs also surprised me. The music of the film is also wonderful (partial thanks to John Williams who did the main JP theme). The technical department work on this film is accurate and wonderful and never for a moment did I feel it was superficial. The main problem this film posed was the story itself. The story was just a normal action-adventure movie when I expected something more out of the film. While JURASSIC WORLD had its small character moments, this film fails in that aspect. Where the first half of the film felt justified, the second half is where the film goes downhill. The plot turns absurd and I was cringing almost every minute and waited for the film to finish. Even the characters (especially the villains) were poorly written. The film does have a post credit scene too, which was totally unnecessary.

Performances: Chris Pratt was good at his role and did provide some comedy in the film. Bryce Dallas Howard also complemented Chris’ character. James Cromwell gave a good performance. Justice Smith’s character was very poorly etched and was very disappointing. Same can be said for Rafe Spall and Toby Jones. Finally, it was great to see Jeff Goldblum reprise his role from the previous instalments. Even though it was roughly a role of 10 minutes, it was a treat to watch him.

Favorite Scene: It would be the one where Own watches a video of him training Bue and the others raptors. This scene very well depicted the bond that Owen shares with Blue and how much he cares for him. If this theme was stretched a bit then the film would have worked wonderfully.

Verdict: FALLEN KINGDOM felt more like a filler film which was just needed to make a trilogy. The scenes basically make no sense and were full of absurdity. This felt more like a money making vehicle. I do hope the third instalment (and the final one, hopefully) brings back a good story and throws back some sense into this series, that has just run out of ideas.

I am going with a 6/10.
