Reviews & Ratings for
அவள் (2017)

Vishnu Ch reviewed Aval
Best of all classics.
Note:- I saw the Telugu version of this movie, titled GRUHAM.

Siddharth is back after a long time with a solid horror flick with Andrea Jeremiah, which chronicles the journey of a young couple who are forced to cope with a Chinese family of ghosts.

The movie starts with a Chinese song between a mother and her daughter and cuts to Sid and Andrea. This is the best possible opening for this movie if you ask me. Then comes the entire family of Atul Kulkarni where the trouble begins. Atul and Siddharth who've proved themselves as reliable actors further reinforce this fact and deliver the best output. The beautiful Andrea compliments Siddharth perfectly. The romantic scenes can be called a bit overboard, but are essential to the story. Anisha Victor delivers a solid performance as a troubled youth and stands out. Rest perform their roles accordingly. Special mention to the Chinese family which creates an apt chemistry and chills our spines.

The movie can be broadly called the greatest hits collection of every successful horror film in history, to say the least. It shamelessly copies from the greats like The Exorcist, The Exorcism Of Emily Rose, The Conjuring, etc. but combines them in perfect proportions that you'd love to ignore the former fact. The visual effects are nothing new, just the good old scars and peeling skin. Sound mixing isn't that effective, when you consider most horror movies are driven by it. Nevertheless, the movie manages to touch your senses and comes off as a satisfactory experience.

If you love to be scared, this one can barely do the trick.
